You Gotta Have Heart

Monticello Rotary is showing heart by participating in The 47th Annual 98.3 WSUL Heart-a-thon to be held on Friday, February 21, 2025 from 6am - 6pm at the Resorts World Catskills in Monticello.  Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in the United States.  Sullivan County is ranked 57 out of 62 in NYS for poor health with Heart Disease following the national trend.  This year, the Heart-a-thon will be expanding the beneficiaries to focus on: Prevention, Education, and Treatment of Heart Disease in Sullivan County.  
To help us, help others, please consider donating today.  Donations can be made online at: or you can pledge by calling 845 798-1770.  
You Gotta Have Heart Lori Orestano-James 2025-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Healthy Heart Health & Wellness Fair

Newly added on to this year's 47th Annual 98.3 WSUL Heart-a-thon is the Monticello Rotary Healthy Heart Health Fair in conjunction with Rotary Corporate Member Jeff Bank which has an amazing line up of interactive tabling agencies, movement mini-classes, and lecture learning opportunities all open to the public, free of charge from 10am -4pm.  Tabling – New York Blood Center, Sullivan County Public Health, Sullivan 180 - Smoothie Bike, Hypnotherapy for Good Health, SALT (Sullivan Allies Leading Together) & Member Agencies, Gift of Life/Hands, Only CPR – Lee Karasik, Sullivan County BOCES New Visions/Nursing Program, SUNY Sullivan Nursing - Blood Pressure Screenings, NAMI, Sullivan County Drug Task Force, Sullivan County Office for the Aging, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Garnet Health: Know Your Numbers Cholesterol Screening, Fearless, EPIC (Every Person Influences Children), Cornerstone Family Healthcare, Sullivan County Workforce Development, Seven X Motors Healthy Heart Tips Table, RCLS (Library Services). MVP Healthcare, and Fidelis Care. 
Scheduled classes for the Health Fair: Things In Motion- Mini Sessions, 10:00-10:30 Tai Chi with Pedro Tweed, 11:00-11:45 Mindfulness in Motion (Key to a Healthy Heart) STEAM, 11:45-12:15 No Equipment, No Problem with Coach Maggi Fitzpatrick, 12:45-1:15 Tai Chi with Pedro Tweed, 1:30-2:00 No Equipment, No Problem with Coach Maggi Fitzpatrick, 2:00-4:00 Labryinth: Walking and Seeing Your Way to a Healthy Heart – NAMI, Learn Your Way to a Healthy Heart- 45 min sessions, 10:30-11:15 Mental Wellness for a Healthy Heart - Lori Schneider, NAMI, 11:30-12:15 Healthy Eating for a Healthy Heart - Cornell Cooperative Extension, 12:30-1:15 Happy Heart through Hypnotherapy - Albee Bockman, Lic. Hypnotherapist, 1:15-2:00 Energy Healing for Self – NAMI, 2:15-3:00 Vision Boarding – NAMI, 3:00-3:45 Happy Heart through Hypnotherapy - Albee Bockman, Lic. Hypnotherapist
Co-chaired by Rotarians (and Sullivan County Democrat’s own) Crystal Tweed and Lori Orestano-James, this is sure to be a great event add-on.  For more information, please contact .
Thank you to Layla Mack, Emily Pine, and Dawn Ciorciari for flyer designs.  Please note that tables and sessions are subject to change as additional vendors respond)
Most Updated Flyer as of 2/17/25  - EP              (Last Updated - February 10, 2025 - LM)          (Last Updated - February 14, 2025 - DC)

Monti Rotary Healthy Heart Health & Wellness Fair Lori Orestano-James 2025-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Be Like Mike!  Save a Life! Donate Now!

EMERGENCY!!!! It is official that we are in a Blood Shortage Crisis and you can make a difference,” says Sullivan Rotary’s (Monticello, Liberty, Livingston Manor) Honorary Blood Drive Chair Sheriff Mike Schiff.  Sheriff Schiff has donated at every blood drive held by the Rotary Clubs over the last 5 years – and that is a lot of blood.  When it was announced last week that Sullivan County is in a Blood Crisis Emergency, the Sheriff was asked if he would help to reach the goal of this Blood Drive.  Without hesitation, he accepted the request to serve.  Sixty percent of the Sullivan County population is eligible to donate blood to any blood drives held.  In total, only 2% of those eligible donate.  Sheriff Schiff is proud to lend his support as this year’s Honorary Chair sharing, “You don’t have to be a First Responder to save a life! Donate Blood Now!”  The Sullivan Rotary Clubs Annual Heart-a-thon Blood Drive during the Heart-a-thon is scheduled to take place from Noon until 6pm on Friday, February 21st at Resorts World - Catskills.  Please sign up to donate blood remembering that each pint collected saves 3 lives.  Sign-up today at .
Be Like Mike! Save a Life! Donate Now! Lori Orestano-James 2025-02-03 05:00:00Z 0


On February 22nd from 4:00-7:00 Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless is hosting the Coldest Night of the Year. The event begins at Dos Gatos, located in the Alder-Resorts World Catskills. From there we will embark on a 2k (1.2 mile) walk with the intention of feeling solidarity with those who experience this harshness of weather so very often through lack of shelter. This particular event is hosted in more than 40 cities across America on this night. We will be supporting the work done right here in Sullivan County for people who experience hurt, hunger and homelessness. Jodi Goodman and Lori Orestano-James have create a team for the Monticello Rotary.  To join the Monti Rotary & Friends Team please click here:  To donate directly to the team, click here: 
Any questions or if you need assistance with the links, contact Lori Orestano-James at 
So, circle the date and get ready for a brisk walk on the Coldest Night of the Year!
COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR Crisannda Spinner 2025-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Jimmy Carter's Vision For Peace

A man of peace who truly lived by our Four Way Test.  May he be at peace.

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine. 

By: Diana Schoberg

It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta. 

They see the Bible that the 39th U.S. president took his oath on, a campaign ledger, and a mockup of the Oval Office – as well as his diploma in square dancing, a “Peanuts to President” game board, and a Marvel comic with the Carter family joining Captain America in saving energy. 

At the end of the exhibit is Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize, which he received in 2002 in recognition of his decades of work advancing peace and human rights. 

“This is the biggest award in the world,” one of the field trip leaders explains to the elementary school students. Then she puts it into terms they will understand: “This is bigger than the Super Bowl MVP, believe it or not.”

Perhaps she should have mentioned his two Grammys.

Carter has spent his life fighting for peace: brokering the 1978 peace talks between Egypt and Israel that led to the Camp David Accords, paving the way for a nuclear pact between the United States and North Korea in 1994, and monitoring elections in Panama, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other places where the ballot box became an alternative to civil war. During his time in office, from 1977 to 1981, the United States was not involved in any wars.  

Jimmy Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his decades of work resolving international conflicts and advancing human rights.


For the past 37 years, Carter has been redefining what it means to be a retired president – and the country’s longest-lived one at that, having surpassed Herbert Hoover (who lived 31 years after leaving the White House). During his presidency, Carter made a commitment to human rights the cornerstone of his foreign policy; he and his wife, Rosalynn, continued that emphasis when they founded the Carter Center in 1982. The center’s programs revolve around two main themes: peace and health.

“We feel that there’s a human right of people to live in peace,” he told The Rotarian. “We feel it’s a human right to have a modicum of health care, to have a decent place in which to live, to have a chance to have an education, to have freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the right to elect your own leaders.”

The center has observed 105 elections, including recent contests in Liberia, Kenya, the Philippines, Zambia, and Guyana, and it has worked with the United Nations and other groups to develop standards for democratic elections. When democratic avenues fail, the center mediates armed conflicts. It is currently involved in efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as conflicts in Sudan and South Sudan, Syria, and Liberia; it’s also working to combat the rise in violent religious extremism and Islamophobia in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.

On other fronts, the Carter Center has formed a task force on disease eradication. The only one of its kind in the world, it analyzes data to ascertain which diseases could be eradicated from the entire world. The center is focusing on eradicating Guinea worm disease and regionally eliminating five other diseases: river blindness, trachoma, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, and malaria.

“I might say if Rotary wasn’t leading that fight to eradicate polio now, the Carter Center would – it’s the kind of thing that would be very exciting for us,” Carter says. “We’re very proud to see the progress that Rotary has had with that.”

Carter knows the power of service organizations well – he’s a member of the Lions club in his hometown of Plains, Georgia, and a past district governor. And for more than 30 years the Carters have dedicated a week each year to volunteering with Habitat for Humanity.

Carter spoke with senior staff writer Diana Schoberg by phone from his home in Plains on Halloween. Still very involved in the community where his family has lived since 1833, he planned to go downtown that night to join other local leaders in greeting trick-or-treaters.

The Carters have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity for more than 30 years.


Q: The Carter Center describes itself as waging peace. If peace isn’t merely the absence of war, describe the battle for peace.

A: We take peace not as a dormant situation, but as one to be fought for – like winning an armed conflict. We try to be aggressive in order to bring about that goal. We are not constrained at the Carter Center by policies of the United States government, although we have to comply with the law. We deal with people who are outcasts, or unsavory. I’ve been to North Korea three times, and I’ve probably spent more than 20 hours with their top leaders talking about the prospects of peace. We’ve also continued to deal with both Palestinians and Israelis. We have a relationship with the president of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, who the United States refuses to deal with. We try to probe aggressively to find ways to bring about a peaceful understanding between adversaries, but I always make a point to get permission from the White House before I embark on such an adventure.

Q: How do you work with people who are arguing with each other?

A: I wrote a book, Talking Peace, about that. People who are at war, or a couple with a marital difference that leads to divorce, or parents who are alienated from children, or students divided on a campus – all have a difference of opinion that they can resolve.

When I founded the Carter Center, I wanted it to be a little Camp David, where I negotiated with people who were at war. But I soon found that sometimes when two sides were fighting in a civil war, they didn’t even want me to talk to the other side – they despised their adversaries that greatly. So instead of negotiating, we discovered that we could appeal to them by taking advantage of a basic premise of politics, and that is self-delusion. We would go to the generals of the two sides separately and say, why don’t you let us come in and help you hold an honest election – we’re sure that the people of your country will choose the right person to be the leader. And since both sides thought they would be victorious in a peaceful election if we were in charge of it, they would go along with it. So we’ve now done more than 105 elections in the world, each without trouble, and many of them brought about by adversaries who found an election to be a better alternative than continued combat.

A: Is there something that you’ve learned monitoring elections that would surprise our readers?

Q: We’ve found that the United States doesn’t meet the criteria for the Carter Center, because our elections are not conducted properly here. We don’t have one central election commission that makes the decisions for our country – we have counties that decide exactly how people vote and what time they vote. The Carter Center requires uniformity in the whole country.

Jimmy Carter has written 30 books, including A Call to Action, released in December 2014.


In most countries where we work, we require that every candidate who is qualified have an equal chance to present their proposals to the public, with uniform access to the public news media and to the people’s minds. We try to minimize the impact of financial contributions within an election, not always successfully.

The United States has changed from a democracy to something of an oligarchy in the last few decades; the candidates who seek to be president have to raise a minimum nowadays of $200 million before they can hope to receive the Democratic or Republican nomination, and then a lot more later, when they run against the opposite party’s candidate.

Q: What would the United States have to do to fix its election system?

A: The main thing is to have public financing. When I ran for president in the general election against incumbent President Gerald Ford, he and I raised a total for the general election of zero. We didn’t go to anybody and ask for a campaign contribution. When I ran against Ronald Reagan in 1980, again we got zero money from any private contributor. We just used the box on the federal income tax form that each taxpayer could check to contribute. Nowadays every vote is not the same. The candidates rely on very wealthy people to help them become a nominee and be elected president, and then they’re obligated to those financial contributors when they get into office. The wealthy people get more wealthy and the powerful people get more powerful and the average person doesn’t have an equal influence on the American government anymore.

Q: Techniques to influence elections have evolved beyond stuffing ballot boxes. We are now seeing hacking and social media algorithms affecting outcomes. How is the Carter Center responding?

A: The Carter Center is studying the voting process. In many other countries, even in a nation like Venezuela, they have a voting system where you indicate your preference by a touch screen, and that’s transmitted to the central headquarters. Then you look at the screen and if it’s how you want it, you punch a button and it prints out a paper ballot. If a question is raised subsequently about the integrity of the election, you’ve got the electronic system that has given you an opportunity to have very early tabulation and then you’ve got the paper system to substantiate the accuracy of it. We don’t have that in our country, except in rare places. There’s no uniformity at all in America. I’m not criticizing my country, I’m just pointing out some possibilities for improvement.

Q: In its mission statement, the Carter Center recognizes that because it is tackling difficult problems, failure is an “acceptable risk.” Why?

A: When we began our work, we decided that we would be nonpartisan in nature, and we decided that we would not duplicate what other people were already doing well. If the United Nations or the United States government or Harvard University was taking care of a problem, we wouldn’t get involved in it. Instead, we’d fill vacuums in the world. Another thing that we decided, which is what you just mentioned, is that we would not be afraid of failure. If we think that something is worth doing, we make an all-out effort – even if we don’t have any assurance at the beginning that we’ll be successful. We’ve had some disappointments and we’ve had to change our priorities on some occasions, but that’s led us into some of the most fruitful things that we’ve done.


In 1978, as president, Carter orchestrated peace talks between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, right. The talks served as a model when the former president and his wife founded the Carter Center in 1982.


Jimmy Carter, with his wife, Rosalynn, and their daughter, Amy, at the 1980 Democratic National Convention.


Q: Can you give us an example?

A: Addressing Guinea worm, or dracunculiasis, was one of those that seemed hopeless. There was no known cure or successful treatment for it. It was found in 21 different countries. It was found in isolated villages that had no connection to one another. Often, ministers of health had never heard of the disease. It was one of those problems that nobody else wanted to address, so we had a chance to fill a vacuum. We had no assurance of success because until we began, there was no effective way to correct the problem. We’ve come a long way. We still face some unforeseen developments, but we are resolved to succeed. We’ve cut the number of cases of Guinea worm from 3.5 million the first year [1986] to 27 so far in 2017.

Q: You’ve been very close to eradicating Guinea worm for a while, just like Rotary has been very close to eradicating polio. What has made it so intractable?

A: We had a surprising development in the country of Chad a few years ago. We had zero cases of Guinea worm in Chad for nine years and all of a sudden we had another very small outbreak and we found that dogs were involved with transmission, and almost everybody who lives along a particular river in Chad has a dog. We’ve had to deal with this new outbreak just like you’ve had some setbacks with polio, but we’re not giving up.

Q: Being president of the United States would seem like the pinnacle of a person’s career, but after you left office, you went on to become one of the most respected humanitarians of our time. What did your work as president teach you? And was there anything that you only learned later?

A: When I was president, I learned about the interrelationships between countries and the differences between the people who live on the earth. I learned about problems like the threat of nuclear destruction, and we had a first glimpse of global warming at that time. I learned how important peace was: I was lucky enough to have kept our country completely at peace while in office – we never dropped any bombs or launched any missiles or fired any bullets.

Since I’ve been out of the White House, I’ve had much more intimate relationships with individual people than I ever did when I was president, particularly with people in foreign countries.

Q: When meeting regular citizens, what has made the biggest impression on you?

A: We tend to underestimate folks who have an average income of only one or two dollars a day, who don’t have good educations or decent homes. We think they’re inferior to us in some way because they haven’t provided for their families as we have. When we deal with them on a personal basis, we soon learn that they’re just as good as we are, they’re just as intelligent, just as ambitious, just as hard-working. Their family values are just as good as ours. We also learn that their perspective on life is different from ours, often because of the circumstances in which they’ve been born and raised. But we learn to respect them just as much as we respect ourselves.

Q: If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would that be?

A: The only time the human race has ever attempted to bring into reality the finest moral and ethical values of all the great religions was right after the Second World War, after 60 million people were killed. We organized the United Nations to guarantee that disputes would be resolved as they arose. That hasn’t happened. We still have multiple wars. Three years later, in 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guaranteed people equal rights. Those two things have been a dream or ideal or vision or aspiration or an inspiration, but they haven’t been realized. I would mandate that disputes be resolved peacefully and that the declaration be implemented. That’s what I pray for, and that’s what I hope will eventually happen. 

• This story originally appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine 

Jimmy Carter's Vision For Peace Lori Orestano-James 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Comfort Closet Delivery a Success

Monticello Rotary Club President Lori Orestano-James and President-Elect Dr. Peter Chester make the final stop of the Holiday Season by dropping off all the wonderful goodies collected during the Senior Comfort Closet Holiday Drive.  The Delivery to Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility was welcomed so those clients spending the Holidays away from home would feel recognized and appreciated. Lap throws, big print puzzle books, personal care items, gripper socks, shawls, and other items were part of the delivery which hopefully brought smiles to those who need it most!
Comfort Closet Delivery a Success Lori Orestano-James 2024-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Comfort and Joy Abounds with Monti Rotary

Members of the Monticello Rotary Club brought tidings of comfort and joy to stock the Senior Comfort Closet during the Annual Rotary Holiday Party.  From gripper socks, large print puzzle books, lap throws, lotions, hair care items, shawls, hats, fingerless gloves and more, the Giving Table filled through the night where items were placed with the Care Bear Teddy Bears that will be distributed at Garnet-Catskills.  The Sr. Comfort Closet items will be delivered to area Senior Nursing Facilities throughout Sullivan County.  Not only did the club have a great time at the event, but they were happy to be able to give a little something to Shivani Patel who is not only the waitress at Albella where the club meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm, but also a member of the Monticello Rotary Club! 
Comfort and Joy Abounds with Monti Rotary Lori Orestano-James 2024-12-22 05:00:00Z 0

Fallburg HS Interact/Leo Club Bakes for Heroes

The Fallsburg High School Intertact/Leo Club had a great time doing good things during Baking for Heroes.  The members baked and decorated 12 Dozen Holiday Cookies for Monticello Rotary Club President and Rotary District 7210 Youth Services Chair Lori Orestano-James to deliver to members of the Fallsburg Police Department and Departments at Garnet Health-Catskills. The students wanted to show their appreciation to those who serve our community during the Holiday Season and all year.
Fallburg HS Interact/Leo Club Bakes for Heroes Lori Orestano-James 2024-12-22 05:00:00Z 0
Santa Visits Hospital with Monticello Rotary Club Lori Orestano-James 2024-12-22 05:00:00Z 0

Monticello Rotary Food Drive Fills Local Pantries 

Thank you Sullivan County!! As always, we come together for our community! #ServiceAboveSelf
The Rotary Club of Monticello, NY Monticello Rotary Annual Food Drive is officially in the books! Thank you to the entire community for making this year’s event a huge success
Here are the totals: (Drum Roll Please) 
72 Cases of Food
98 Turkeys
8 Hams
All foods collected went to United Way of Sullivan County and Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless . 
Congratulations on a job well done! Thank you to first year Chairperson Cris Cirillo Spinner and Committee Members President Lori Orestano-James ( Lori James ), Orshii Boldiis , Jackie Rutledge , Brad Rutledge , Bradlyn Brooks , Les Kristt , and Peter Alan Chester for running such a successful event. Thank you to Kathy Kreiter from SC Federation for the Homeless and Julian Dawson of United Way of Sullivan County for your help in reaching out to those in need and your constant support and assistance in helping us do our service. Thank you Village of Monticello, New York and Village Manager James Snowden for providing us the use of the Ted Strobel Building as well as assistance for set-up and clean-up. A great shoutout Monticello High School Interact students who assisted us. Without getting the word out, we would have never done this well. Thank you to Paul Ciliberto , Eddie Wilson , Mike Sakell , and Dawn Chernow Ciorciari from Bold Gold Media Group ; Derek Kirk and Fred Stabbert from Sullivan County Democrat; Jim Sebastian Mid Hudson News, and Bill Liblick and BettyJane Stevens for all the social media opportunities. And, the day would not have been complete without Joe Kavanaugh and his friends (AKA Pluto, Elmo, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and The Cookie Monster) for provided great support and opportunity for kids of all ages become engaged in this important work.
Special thanks to all the amazing Rotarians who helped throughout the day. And, most importantly, thank you to YOU - our community!!! We couldn't do this without you! 
Way to show ServiceAboveSelf!
(Link with additional pictures can be found here: )
Monticello Rotary Food Drive Fills Local Pantries Lori Orestano-James 2024-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Monti Food Drive In Full Swing

Monticello Rotary will continue the annual tradition of holding its Annual Food Drive on Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 9am – 1pm at the Ted Strobel (Neighborhood Facility) Building, Jefferson Street, Monticello,
New York with pre-collection drop off locations available from Monday, November 18, 2024 until Friday, November 22, 2024 as noted below. “Now, more than ever, our fellow neighbors are in need of food not only for Thanksgiving but to place food on their tables daily,” said Lori Orestano-James, Monticello Rotary President.
According to Rotary Vice President and Food Drive Chairperson Cris Spinner, “We know how our community has always come through in the past to help us provide non-perishable food items to stock the United Way of
Sullivan County Food Pantry and the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless Food Pantry during the winter months. We are counting on your generosity once again to help feed those in need.” Non-perishable food items may be purchased and dropped off the week of November 18, 2024 until November 22, 2024 at a local drop off spot. “We are grateful to Kristt Company, Broadway, Monticello and Landfield Avenue Synagogue, 18 Landfield Avenue, Monticello (for kosher food items), for serving as early drop off locations starting on November 18, 2024 where you may drop off item(s) Monday thru Friday, 9am – 4pm
(Synagogue 9am – 3pm) until November 22, 2024. All items pre-collected will be added to the items collected on November 23, 2024 at the Ted Strobel (Neighborhood Facility) in Monticello from 9am – 1pm, stated Lori
Orestano-James. “Julian Dawson, Executive Director of Sullivan County United Way and Kathy Kreiter, Executive Director for the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless will be on hand to pick up the donated
items for distribution by the respective agencies”, stated Spinner further.

Items most needed:
Canned veggies, canned fruit, cereal, pasta, gravy, sauces, canned meats, canned pasta, jam, jelly, peanut butter, rice, shelf stable milks. (Any items non-perishable).
The Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” has never been more important in helping our community. Please bring your non-perishable food donation items and help us to help others.
Monti Food Drive In Full Swing Lori Orestano-James 2024-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Be Like Fred - Come Speak to Rotary

Monticello Rotary was lucky to hear from Sullivan County Democrat Publisher Fred Stabbert at its recent meeting.  Fred shared the history of the paper in Sullivan County and why local newspapers are so important to a local community.  
Les Kristt is instrumental in securing speakers for the Monticello Rotary Club.  Learning about our community is important in the work the club does in meeting the moto of Service Above Self.  Please reach out to Les Kristt or Monticello Rotary President Lori Orestano-James if you would like to be a speaker at one of our meeting. (
Monticello Rotary meets every Tuesday night at Albella Restaurant in Monticello, NY at 6:30pm.  To learn more, visit
Be Like Fred - Come Speak to Rotary Lori Orestano-James 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Annual Golf Outing Landed On The Green

This year's Monticello Rotary Annual Scholarship Golf Outing realized over $10,000 to help provide scholarships to students in the Monticello and Fallsburg School Districts.
"We are grateful to all of the sponsors and raffle donors who helped to make this years Monti Rotary Golf  Outing such a huge success," said Randy Katz, Co-Chair of this years event.  "Having such strong community support in our goal to provide scholarships to our local graduating seniors is a testament to the work we are doing to help in the area of education.  
President Lori Orestano-James shared a special thank you to long time Golf Tournament Chair Bob Ernst who is handing off the chairmanship torch this year for his outstanding dedication to this event and establishing a scholarship foundation to secure the long-term ability to continue to provide these scholarships to students. "Bob had a vision to make sure that the scholarship account would remain strong through investments to ensure the ability to grant scholarships to worthy students and to grow the program long term.  He was a force behind this work and because of his forethought, many more students will be able to receive much needed scholarship opportunities," said Orestano-James.   
Thank you to all who came out to participate in this year's Monticello Rotary Annual Scholarship Golf Outing at Tarry Brae. 
Monti Rotary Annual Golf Outing Landed On The Green Lori Orestano-James 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Joint Club Blood Drive in Memory of Krissy Walsh

"Rise and Grind" by registering to give the gift of life in memory of a community leader and friend during the Rotary Joint Club Blood Drive in Memory of Krissy Walsh taking place from Noon until 6pm at Resorts World Catskills Epicenter on September 30, 2024.

Krissy was a strong spirit who believed in helping others be their best. Her energy was boundless, and she would want us to remember that giving to and helping others makes our community strong.

"An initiative of Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick is Mental Health an the stigma associated with it.  We are humbled that Krissy's dad, Paul Walsh, daughter, Paige Gallet, and her family have given us their blessing to honor Krissy's memory in this way during Suicide Prevention Month," said Monticello Rotary President and Blood Drive Co-Chair, Lori Orestano-James. "We need to "Start the Conversation" so nobody feels alone."

"So many of her friends and those who knew her have been trying to find a way to give back to recognize her life accomplishments. The Monticello, Liberty, and Livingston Manor Rotary Clubs hope this Blood Drive will do just that," said Liberty Rotary Co-President and Blood Drive Co-Chair Gary Silverman.

Each pint of blood donated saves three lives. Those lives saved in Krissy's name would be a moving and wonderful way to honor the memory of someone who gave back to so many in life.

Please register today. Come and share your stories about Krissy or learn about her great work in our community, as you help to honor her memory while doing good in saving lives.
Rotary Joint Club Blood Drive in Memory of Krissy Walsh Lori Orestano-James 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

WALK to End Alzheimer's

WHAT?   2024 Walk to End Alzheimer’s

WHERE?  Bethel Woods

WHEN?  Saturday, September 28th at 10:00 a.m.

WHY?   Raise Awareness of a Dreadful Disease

WHO?  Club Members, friends, family and our community!

Our Rotary Club has a team walking to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and Dementia once again this year!  EVERYONE is welcome to walk with us!  The more, the merrier!!

Our goal is to raise $2,500

If you would like to join our team to help raise funds, or to make a donation to our team,

use this link:

If you would like to make a donation in cash, or with a check payable to Alzheimer’s Association, please give the cash or check to Barbara Carr, or any other team member.

Thank you for your support!


WALK to End Alzheimer's Barbara Carr 2024-09-03 04:00:00Z 0

Region 5 Meeting - A Chill In The Air

Although the beginning winds of Hurricane Debby began to blow through the Rotary Pavilion, Monticello Rotary had a terrific time warming up with fellow District 7210 Rotary District 5 Rotarians at the Region 5 Meeting hosted by Liberty Rotary Club.  Food was delicious (thank you Chef Gary Silverman), and company spectacular! 
Thanks for a great meeting (Guest Speaker Stuart Hirsch was outstanding)!
And it was so chilly it turned Monticello Rotary President Lori Orestano-James and Vice President Cris Spinner's tongue's blue (Okay - it was the cake icing.  But still...)
Region 5 Meeting - A Chill In The Air Lori Orestano-James 2024-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Joint Rotary Blood Drive Saves 81 Lives

Monticello, Liberty, and Livingston Manor Joint Club Rotary Blood Drive resulted in 27 pints of donated blood.  Each pint donated saves 3 lives.  The efforts of this Blood Drive will provide 81 individuals the Gift of Life.  Thank you to all who donated!  Our next blood drive is scheduled for October 5, 2025.
Joint Rotary Blood Drive Saves 81 Lives Lori Orestano-James 2024-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

46th  Annual Monticello Rotary Monster Classic Huge Success

Monticello Rotary held its 46th Annual Monster Run Classic on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at Resorts World - Catskills.  The event was an overwhelming success thanks to the community coming together to help Monticello Rotary raise funds for the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition and to support other charitable works of the club.  
The weather was perfect for the event and we are grateful to all who supported our efforts.  When all is said and done, the Monticello Rotary expects to donate in the neighborhood of $10,000 to the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition which will help provide heat, medical travel, housing, food, and other items to those who served.  In addition, the club should realize an additional $7,100 to support the work they do within the community throughout the year. 
Thank you to all who supported this event.  Whether a runner, walker, race volunteer, sponsor, or donor - know that the Monticello Rotary appreciates all you do to make this event a huge success. 
46th Annual Monticello Rotary Monster Classic Huge Success Lori Orestano-James 2024-08-10 04:00:00Z 0
"Beautiful" Rotary Night Out at Forestburgh Playhouse Lori Orestano-James 2024-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Run Away At The 46th Annual Monster Run Classic

Monster Run Classic 2019 | Rotary Club of Monticello

The Monticello Rotary Club 46th Annual Monster Run Classic will be held on Sunday, August 4, 2024 starting at 8:30am at Resorts World-Catskills in Monticello, New York . The proceeds from the 2024 Monster Classic race will benefit the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition and is an event run by Monticello Rotary as part of Sullivan County Patriots Day.

Each year this community event draws hundreds of walkers, runners and spectators from all over New York State. This race is expected to draw another very large turnout for this year’s event.

The race consists of 5K and 10K running and 5K walk events for the whole family. This course proves to be challenging and is considered by many one of the best run/walk courses in the area. In addition, health, wellness and running related businesses will have information and free screenings on site during the event. Raffles, door prizes and an auction round out this family fun filled event.

The major goal of Rotary is to serve the community. The proceeds for this year’s race will help local veterans to meet needs of everyday living. According to Monticello Rotary Club President Lori Orestano-James, “Too many of our veterans need assistance with heating, food, transportation for medical serves, rent and mortgage assistance just to name a few. They have given to us all through their service to our country. Monticello Rotary is glad to sponsor this race to raise awareness and funds as a way of giving back to those who served and are currently serving.”

Many veterans sign up to participate. Their motto is, “Our Colors: Red, White & Blue Never Run……Except for the Monti Rotary Monster Run!” They look forward to running/walking with those they served to protect.

Special thanks to Resorts World Casino for serving as a title sponsor and enabling Monticello Rotary to return the race to its Monster Classic home. Meghan Taylor, VP Government Affairs and Public Relations Resorts World Catskills & Resorts World New York City states, “We are grateful for this terrific opportunity to raise awareness and funds for local veterans and the difficult challenges they face.”

So, whether you choose to run or walk any of the races, cheer on and be a supportive spectator, come out to show your patriotic support for the veterans, volunteer for the race needs, win some wonderful prizes or you are just attending to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning in the Catskills, you will be sure to have a great time while supporting a great cause!

Registrations can be completed online prior to the event at For further information about the race, please contact Race Co-Chairs Brad Rutledge or Brad Matican via email at or call (845) 798-1770.

Run Away At The 46th Annual Monster Run Classic Lori Orestano-James 2024-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary's Own Recognized as District 7210  Rotary Member Spotlight

Congratulations Big Time!!!
July 15, 2024
Rotary District Member in the Spotlight for July.
District 7210 has 58 clubs perhaps 2000 members.
District 7210 Youth Service Chair
Lori has been a member of the Monticello Rotary Club for over 12 years where she is currently serving her second term as Club President. Lori has been an active member of her club as Past Treasurer, Member of the Board of Directors, Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce Monticello Rotary Rep, Sullivan Allies Leading Together Monticello Rotary Rep, Chair of the Food Drive, Comfort Closet, Blood Drive, Public Relations, Opioid/Covid community outreach, Interact Liaison, Membership, and Speakers Program, in addition to being a member of the Scholarship, Monster, Taste of Sullivan, and Rotary Radio Committees. She is proud to serve as a member of the Rotary District 7210 Membership Committee.
Lori has an extensive and diverse background in the field of education. Youth Services, and educational leadership at the local, state, and national levels for over 40 years give her a unique perspective and ability to serve as our District 7210 Youth Service Chairperson. She prides herself on a collaborative approach to problem-solving, planning, and growth and her goal is to work together to build strength and capacity through our clubs specific to Interact, RYLA, and Youth Exchange.. Her two favorite hashtags say it all - #ServiceAboveSelf, and #ItsAllAboutTheKids.
Monti Rotary's Own Recognized as District 7210 Rotary Member Spotlight Les Kristt 2024-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Inducts 3 New Members

Monticello Rotary is excited to welcome 3 new members to join them in their work of #ServiceAboveSelf.  Assistant Governor District 5 Jack Strassman was on hand to offer Rotary wisdom and induct the new members.  Jackie Rutledge (Sponsor - Brad Rutledge), Antionette Williams (Sponsor - Lori Orestano-James), and Shivani Patel (Sponsor - Bill Tochterman) are wonderful additions to the Monticello Rotary Family.  Each come to the club with the desire to participate in making our community and world a better place while having fun.  Congratulations to all!  
Monti Rotary Inducts 3 New Members Lori Orestano-James 2024-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Pint for a Pint Rotary Joint Club Blood Drive

Do you know the power of a pint? One pint of blood donated saves 3 lives. Think about that...1 pint = 3 lives saved. And, you can make that happen. Sign up today and when you donate your pint, you will revieve a voucher for a free PINT at Resorts World of their Catskill Craft Beer. Bring friends, donate a pint of blood (takes about 15 minutes), get your voucher. Then you and your friends can use those voucher to celebrate your combined generosity!
There is still a severe blood shortage. You may never know the life you save, but your kindness is a pay forward should you or a loved one ever be in need! Help us serve our communities! Register today! (Walk-ins welcomed, registration prefered to ensure enough material - oh yeah...and Lorna Doon Cookies) sign up today! (Location: Resorts World Catskill Epicenter)
Pint for a Pint Rotary Joint Club Blood Drive Lori Orestano-James 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Helen Diehl Named Monticello Rotarian of the Year 2023-2024

Rotary Club of Monticello, NY President (2023-2024) Bill Tochterman presented Helen Diehl with Rotarian of the Year at the club's recent Annual Installation and Awards Dinner.
Helen's committment to the Monticello Rotary Club is inspiring. She is a Past President, Member of the Board of Directors, and this past year, took the lead as Chair of the very successful Monticello Rotary Taste of Sullivan to Benefit Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless helping to raise $3500 for the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless.
In addition, Helen can be found at just about every Rotary event lending her advice, support , and manpower to get the job done. Whether it be the Monster Run, Golf Tournament, Food Drive, Blood Drives, or BBQ (just to name a few), Helen is involved in every leg of Monticello Rotary business with her positive energy, and always with a smile! Helen Diehl is truly and example of #ServiceAboveSelf and most deserving of this recognition and honor of being named Monticello Rotarian of the Year for 2023-2024.
Helen Diehl Named Monticello Rotarian of the Year 2023-2024 Lori Orestano-James 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Installs 2024-25 Officers

District 7210 incoming District Governor Leo Kaytes and District Governor Designee Carrie Hernandez presided over the Installation of the Monticello Rotary Officers for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.  The Monticello Club is excited to continue the great work of Service Above Self  under this new leadership. 
Congratulations to the newly installed Officer of the Rotary Club of Monticello, NY

L-R Orshii Boldiis, Secretary; Les Kristt, Treasurer for Special Programs; Rotary District 7210 District Governor Designee Carrie Hernandez; Rotary District 7210 District Governor Leo Kaytes; Monticello Rotary Club President Lori James, Immediate Past President, Bill Tochterman; Club Treasurer, Randy Katz, Vice President, Cris Cirillo Spinner, and President-Elect, Peter Alan Chester.

#ServiceAboveSelf Rotary International #TheMagicOfRotary 
Monti Rotary Installs 2024-25 Officers Lori Orestano-James 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Monticello Rotary 100th Anniversary Celebration Lori Orestano-James 2024-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Tantalize Your Taste Buds at Monti Rotary Taste of Sullivan to Benefit SC Federation for the Homeless

Tantalize Your Taste Buds at the Monticello Rotary Inaugural Taste of Sullivan!
Monticello - The Inaugural Monticello Rotary Taste of Sullivan in collaboration with SUNY Sullivan to benefit the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless will take place at the Paul Gerry Fieldhouse at SCCC on April 9, 2024 from 6pm - 8pm.
Over 20 Sullivan County restaurants, distilleries, and food distributors will be serving samplings of their culinary delicacies. From appetizers to desserts, participants will enjoy the multicultural and diverse eatery options in our area.
Students from the SUNY Sullivan Culinary Department, along with SUNY Rotaract Members, and Fallsburg High School Interact Clubs, will be on hand to showcase their culinary talents and assist in the operations of this event. In addition, students from Tri-Valley FFA and Floral Design Class will provide beautiful table decorations in honor of Monticello Rotary's 100th Anniversary Celebration Year. 
In addition, raffles will be available for gift certificates to the vendors present and many others throughout Sullivan County to help raise funds for this worthy cause.
Tickets are priced at $40 per person and are available online: or through Monticello Rotary members, contacting us at, or by Facebook Messenger PM to our Facebook Page.
Any restaurant/distillery/food distributor who would like to participate, please contact us as indicated above. 
Tantalize Your Taste Buds at Monti Rotary Taste of Sullivan to Benefit SC Federation for the Homeless Lori Orestano-James 2024-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

Fallsburg HS Interact Has Heart!

Fallsburg - Kathryn Grodin, Fallsburg High School Interact Advisor presents a check to Monticello Rotary President-Elect and 98.3 WSUL Heart-a-thon longest volunteer, Lori Orestano-James in the amount of $726.  The Interact Club raised this money as part of their community service efforts through "selling" Hearts and collecting donations.  The Fallsburg Interact Club is sponsored by the Monticello Rotary Club.  The students did an outstanding job raising over $200 more than last years total.  Congratulations on a job well done and truly holding true to Service Above Self!
Fallsburg HS Interact Has Heart! LOJ 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Show Your Heart!  

Monticello Rotary was in the house with fellow Rotarians President-Elect Lori Orestano-James,  Hudson Cooper and Elsie Kopcha helping to raise money for the 46th Annual 98.3 WSUL Heart-A-Thon at Resorts World Catskills on February 16, 2024.
The Monticello Rotary Club sold $334 worth of Hearts from 6pm - 8pm. That's A LOT of hearts!!! To make a donation, please click here:
Friend and fellow Monti Corporate Member Sara Kozachuk  and her hubby even stopped by to say hello. The Town of Wallkill Boys & Girls Club are doing a great job selling hearts at her school! Prevention, Education, and Treatment is the goal of the Heart-a-thon. What better place than the schools to make this happen?
Even friend Ryan Schock stopped by to donate and say hi! (We were busy and missed getting a photo with him!)
And, don't forget the Rotary Clubs of Sullivan County Give From The Heart Blood Drive Each pint donated saves 3 lives. Make a difference in someone's life. Sign up today.
Show Your Heart! Lori Orestano-James 2024-02-06 05:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Annual Senior Comfort Closet Brings Cheer to Achieve Rehab & Nursing

When we do good and others thank us, what is not realized is how much we get back from them in the return of #ServiceAboveSelf! Peter from Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility was so grateful to receive the lap throws, slipper socks, large print books, handmade hats, scarves, and shawls, and so much more collected and delivered during the Bag-of-Joy Holiday Comfort Closet Collection organized by the Rotary Club of Monticello, NY in collaboration with  the 3rd Judicial Court Employees by Rotary President-Elect Lori James ( Lori Orestano-James ) and Rotary Vice President Peter Chester. What an awesome feeling!

Wishing all a wonderful, safe, and healthy Holiday Season. Remember to take a moment to #Serve. It is the best of all holiday gifts to give to yourself.
Monti Rotary Annual Senior Comfort Closet Brings Cheer to Achieve Rehab & Nursing LOJ 2023-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

Bags-of -Joy Senior Comfort Closet a Huge Monti Rotary Success

Monticello - The Rotary Club of Monticello, NY held it's Bag-of-Joy Senior Holiday Comfort Closet Drive in collaboration with the 3rd Judicial Court Employees resulting in "cup runneth over" donations which will be distributed to patients at Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility in Liberty, New York.
Monticello Rotary Club President-Elect and Co-chair of this event Lori James ( Lori Orestano-James)  said, "The Holiday Season is difficult for so many, especially those who are away from their family and loved ones. We hope that by providing a little Holiday Spirit for those who are our most vulnerable, will allow them to know we care about them and are thinking about them."
"Rotary's motto is Service Above Self, and what an inspirational way for our Club to give back to our community," said Club President Bill Tochterman.
Cris Cirillo Spinner, Event Co-chair shared, "It is wonderful how the folks in our community come together to make sure others are cared for. This season alone, Rotary Club of Monticello, NY has run this amazing event, its annual Food Drive, and done a distribution of Care Teddy Bears and Santa visit Garnet Health - Catskills, and a Holiday Blood Drive. I am proud to be such a great organization that continually helps others!"
Bags-of -Joy Senior Comfort Closet a Huge Monti Rotary Success LOJ 2023-12-19 05:00:00Z 0

Region 5 Is Awesome

The Livingston Manor Rotary Club was host to the Rotary Region 5 Meeting on May, 9, 2023.  Clubs from Rockland County up to Sullivan County joined together to celebrate successes of the Rotary year and to share in current club happenings.  The Guest Speakers for the meeting were Kara Passante, Carolyn Bivens, and Glorianne Ellison from Sullivan County Ride 2 Survive.  Ride to Survive provides much needed funds to assist in the transportation to and from to life saving medical appointments and treatments for cancer patients.  No cancer patient is turned away.  They made clear that no cancer patient should ever have to choose between being able to get to a treatment or food on the table or rent. The Rotary members were touched by the work done by this amazing organization and many Rotarians present donated personally to the cause. 
Food, fellowship, and friendship enhances the Rotary motto of Service Above Self.  That was certainly evident at this meeting!  Thank you to the Livingston Manor Club for hosting this wonderful evening. 
Region 5 Is Awesome 2023-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

The Wellness Experience: Connecting Mind, Body, and Spirit

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Rotary Clubs of Sullivan County Join Together for The Wellness Experience
The Monticello, Liberty, and Livingston Manor Rotary Clubs have joined together with Community Partners to present The Wellness Experience: Connecting Mind, Body, and Spirit on Saturday, May 20, 2023 as part of the Rotary District 7210 Day of Service to be held at Resorts World – Catskill Meeting Rooms at 888 Resorts World Drive in Monticello, New York.
The day consists of multiple opportunities for all in the community.
1. Blood Drive from 10am until 4pm conducted by the New York Blood Center. We are in critical need of blood donors to save lives and you can help. You can register for the Blood Drive at
2. Wellness Seminars and Classes from 9am – 3pm. There will be a Expert Panel Discussion (9:30am) lead by our very own Assemblyperson Aileen Gunther, Chair for the Assembly Committee on Mental Health, Chair - Subcommittee on Women’s Health, and Committee Member on Health. Joining in on the panel are Melissa Stickle, Sullivan County Director of Community Services at the Sullivan County Department of Community Services Mental Health Clinic, Michele McCoy – Director of Pupil Personnel Services for the Monticello Central School District, and Kayla Margarum, BSN, RN Clinical Director Behavioral Health Unit from Garnett. In addition, we will have a Yogo for Health Workshop by LeeAnne Maniace of The Yoga Space at HPAC in Hurleyville, New York, The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for PTSD by Licensed Hypnotherapist Albee Bockman, Tai Chi for Overall Wellness by Pedro Tweed, The Benefits of Arts Therapy for Adolescents by Lori Orestano-James – Nesin Cultural Arts, Forget the Stigma – How Can We Help – Marty Colavito and Tom Bosket of SALT (Sullivan Allies Leading Together.)
3. Vendors/Agencies/Organization will be available from 10am -2pm to share information, speak to attendees, and provide information. Those who will have tables include, but is not limited to: SALT, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Action Toward Independence, Hope Not Handcuffs, Catholic Charities, MVP, Fidelis Care, RSS (Rehabilitation Support Services), Sullivan 180, NAMI Sullivan County, Vet 2 Vets, Wounded Warrior Program, Sullivan County Public Health, Evergreen Meadow Academy, Ulster County Community Action, Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce, and many others. Special Children/Adolescent Activities will be available in the Action Toward Independence Room.
All events and activities are open to the public and free of charge. Walk-in are Welcome. Attendees will receive a Goodies Collection Bag and chances to win door prizes.
For more information, please email or call 845 798-1770.
The Wellness Experience: Connecting Mind, Body, and Spirit Lori Orestano-James 2023-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

You Gotta Have Heart

Monticello Rotary is showing heart in participating in The 45th Annual 98.3 WSUL Heart-a-thon to be held on Friday, February 17, 2023 from 6am - 5pm at the Epicenter at Resorts World Catskills in Monticello.  Heart Disease is the number once cause of death in the United States.  Sullivan County is ranked 61 out of 62 in NYS for poor health with Heart Disease following the national trend.  This year's Heart-a-thon has shifted forcus to ensure those concerns are being addressed for our community.  This year, the Heart-a-thon will be expanding the beneficiaries to focus on: Prevention, Education, and Treatment of Heart Disease in Sullivan County.  This year proceeds will benefit a Treadmill for the Cardiac Rehab and some portable Cardiac Monitors, both for the Garnet Medical Center Catskills Campus; The Warrior Teens Program and an Outdoor Fitness Pad in Monticello with Sullivan 180, A Singe Bite’s Real Food School Education Program, and Building Sullivan’s Healthcare Workforce Scholarships with Suny Sullivan.
To help us, help others, please consider donating today.  Donations can be made online at: or you can pledge by calling 845 798-1770.  
The Rotary Clubs of Sullivan County (Monticello, Liberty, and Livingston Manor) will be holding a Blood Drive during this event during the hours of Noon - 6pm.  Please use the following link to sign register and set an appointment time. Any questions, call 845 798-1770
You Gotta Have Heart Lori Orestano-James 2023-01-10 05:00:00Z 0


(Photos from October 2022 Monticello Rotary Blood Drive)
Blood donations are needed now more than ever.  The Rotary Clubs of Monticello, Liberty, and Livingston Manor will be holding a Blood Drive in conjunction with NYBC (New York Blood Center) as part of the 45th Annual WSUL Heart-a-thon on Friday, February 17, 2023 from Noon until 6pm at the Epicenter at Resorts World in Monticello who has graciously sponsored this event. According to Monticello Rotary VP and Blood Drive Chair, "Donating blood is so simple to do and all it costs you is about 25 minutes of your time from paperwork at check-in to snacks post donation.  Where inflation has brought costs up across our country, this is the one cost that has not increased.  The cost to save a life is still the same.  If everyone who can give was to give, the shortage of blood would disappear."  To schedule a time, please register by clicking on this link:  https://www.givegab Additional information links are below. 
Please help us to help others and sign up today! All COVID protocols will be in place. 
SAVE A LIFE - GIVE BLOOD Lori Orestano-James 2023-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Bag-of-Joy Senior Comfort Closet Warms the Hearts of Achieve Clients

Monticello Rotary along with the 3rd Judicial District in Sullivan County of the NYS Court System collected and distributed Bag-of-Joy items to the Achieve Nursing and Rehab Facility in Liberty, New York.  Rotary Drive Chairperson and Rotary Club Vice President, Lori Orestano-James said the Director of Program Services was humbled to recieve the donation stating that the clients at the facility will be able to use all of the items individually and in their theraputic needs.  "Being away from loved ones during the Holiday Season is very difficult.  Many of our Senior Citizens have no family locally and the Holiday's can bring on sadness and depression.  Thank you to all who helped us make a difference," said Orestano-James. Special thanks to Wendy Weiner-Galligan who led the charge in the Courts.  Rotary Bag-of-Joy Committee Members Peter Chester and Lynka Rivera assisted with collection and distribution.  Monticello Rotary President Brad Rutledge said, "This was a beautiful partnership that will continue to flourish and grow in years to come as we provide support in our community."  
Bag-of-Joy Senior Comfort Closet Warms the Hearts of Achieve Clients Lori Orestano-James 2022-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

Fallsburg Interact and Leo Club Bake for Those Who Serve

Members of the Fallsburg High School Interact and Leo Club joined forces to bake holiday cookies for those who serve others in our community.  They baked 12 cookie trays of goodness afterschool with the help of Advisors Shari Mednick and Kathryn Grodin, with assistance from Monticello Rotary Interact Liaisons Lynka Rivera and Lori Orestano-James.  Trays were then delivered by "Elves" Lynka Rivera and Lori Orestano-James to members of the Fallsburg Police Department, Fallsburg Fire Department, and Jodi Goodman from Garnett Catskill for distribution to the hospital staff.  The students had a great time and were excited to eat the calorie free broken cookies.  Teaching our youth Service Above Self is a priority of Rotary.  These students certainly showed how grateful they are to others who help them.  Happy Holidays to All!
Fallsburg Interact and Leo Club Bake for Those Who Serve Lori Orestano-James 2022-12-17 05:00:00Z 0

Fill a Bag of Comfort for Those in Nursing Homes

Monticello Rotary along with the 3rd Judicial District in Sullivan County of the NYS Court System are collecting holiday goodies for those in Nursing Homes throughout our county.  Being away from loved ones during the Holiday Season is very difficult.  Many of our Senior Citizens have no family locally and the Holiday's can bring on sadness and depression.  You can help us make a difference.  Please donate items such as lap throws, shawls, gripper socks, large print puzzle books, finerless gloves, hairbrush/comb sets, and other items you think your grandparents might like.  We will be collecting items through December 20th.  Items may be dropped off as indicated in the flyer. Also, items may be dropped off at Kristt Company in Monticello or Albella Restaurant (just let them know it is for Monticello Rotary). You may also contact Lori Orestano-James to arrange a drop off of items by emailing 
Fill a Bag of Comfort for Those in Nursing Homes Lori Orestano-James 2022-12-12 05:00:00Z 0

Orestano-James Reports Monti Rotary Annual Food Drive HUGE SUCCESS!!!

WOW!!!! Thank you once again to the generosity of our entire community for making this our BIGGEST FOOD DRIVE EVER!!!
With your assistance, the Monticello Rotary Club collected a total of 89 cases of non-perishable food items, 76 Turkeys, and 4 Hams. The estimated cost of all items collected amounts to well over $10,945. Food insecurity is a major concern in our community, country, and world. Our collective efforts today will ensure, that anyone in need in our community has access to food.
According to Food Drive Co-Chair Lori Orestano-James, "We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity and support of this year's Food Drive. Anyone in need should contact United Way of Sullivan County or Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless directly."
Monticello Rotary President, Brad Rutledge would like to extend a special shoutout to Lori Orestano-James, Janet Kaplan, and Peter Chester for Co-Chairing this event. Also instrumental in the succes of this event were members of the Fallsburg Central School District Interact Club and Advisor, Kathryn Grodin, as well as members of the Monticello Central School District Interact Club and Rotary Interact Liaison @Lynka Rivera who worked along side the Rotarians providing additional manpower (and womanpower) in today's efforts.
Thank you to Mayor George Nikolados , Village of Monticello , the Monticello Police Department, and the entire staff and crew from the Village of Monticello, New York for the use of the Ted Strobele Recreation Center. Also, thank you to Shoprite, Monticello N.Y. for informing folks of our efforts and encouraging them to participate. #ServiceAboveSelf Rotary International Rotary District 7210 Region 5 Rotary District 7210
Orestano-James Reports Monti Rotary Annual Food Drive HUGE SUCCESS!!! Lori Orestano 2022-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Albee Bockman - State of Sullivan County EMS 

Albee Bockman, Founder and President of Mobilemedic was our guest speaker.
Albee represents the story of “local boy gives back to his community;” as he proceeded to describe his own experiences as a resident of Hurleyville, growing up in an apartment above his family’s business, Bockman Pharmacy; as a veteran of the United States Air Force and how, at the age of 40, he was inspired to change careers, this inspiration coming as a result of watching the TV program, “Emergency.”
Enrolling in the Nyack School of Paramedicine, Albee became a NYS certified paramedic.  He recognized the critical need for paramedical services in Sullivan County and proceeded to set up Mobilemedic in November, 1993.
With one ambulance to start, Mobilemedic soon grew into what it is today, some 74 employees, 14 ambulances (which were described as “mobile emergency rooms”) servicing all of Sullivan County with “highly trained and qualified paramedical care.”  Albee explained the difference between “Basic EMT” and “paramedicine” emphasizing the essential importance of having both levels of service and exactly how paramedicine has evolved into an important profession.
Mobilemedic transports patients to medical facilities out of Sullivan County this in light of new changes that include the relinquishing of certain critical care services by Garnet Catskills in Harris to other facilities most notable Garnet Middletown. 
The strain to keep up with the need for critical care paramedical services in Sullivan County was part of the decision considered when Albee made the decision to join with Empress, a major medical transport services corporation; a merger that has just been finalized the day of the Monticello Rotary Club Meeting.  This important merger will expand the services that Mobilemedic provides (Albee made it crystal clear that the first priority is to provide these services to Sullivan County; this as a condition of the merger going forward).
The relationships that Mobilemedic has established with Hatzalah and the volunteer ambulance corps that provide essential services to many municipalities will be significantly strengthened as a result of the merger.
Albee indicated that EMS is NOT considered an essential service by New York State (eliciting a chorus of gasps); he further stated that the services that Mobilemedic provides are of zero cost to taxpayers.”
As the specifics of the merger are publicized, the expanded services and more rapid response times will be shared.
An outstanding presentation providing critical information to all in the audience.
Albee Bockman - State of Sullivan County EMS Lori Orestano-James 2022-11-27 05:00:00Z 0


Formal Induction of our newest Rotarian, Brad Matican (henceforth referred to as “Young Brad”) was followed by the introduction of Shayna Benskie who is one meeting away to be eligible to join our chapter. Local artist Josh Deitchman whose latest mural adorns the side of the Miss Monticello Diner, was introduced to our members
INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBER 2022-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Additional Annual Food Drive Drop Off Locations

Current Monticello Rotary Club President Brad Rutledge looks over the donations made during the 2021 Monticello Rotary Food Drive.  This year's Monticello Rotary Food Drive will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2022 at the Ted Strobel Recreation Building (Neighborhood Facility) on Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York from 9am - 1pm.  
The response for the Annual Monticello Rotary Club Food Drive has been extremely positive.  As a result, additional pre-event drop off locations have been added to assist those wishing to donate in advance.  
All Drop Off Locations are listed below.  All Pre-Event Drop-Off's must be completed by Friday, November 18, 2022
Kristt Company, Broadway, Monticello, New York Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm
Middletown Medical, Thompson Square Mall, Rt 42, Monticello, New York  
Catskill Veterinary Services 230 Rock Hill Drive, Rock Hill, New York 12775
The Monticello Rotary Annual Food Drive will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2022 at the Ted Strobel Recreation Building (Neighborhood Facilty), Jefferson Street, Monticello from 9am until 1pm.  All items collected will be distributed to United Way of Sullivan County and the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless. 
Items most needed:
Canned veggies, canned fruit, cereal, pasta, gravy, sauces, canned meats, canned pasta, jam, jelly, peanut butter, rice.  (Any items non-perishable).
The Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” has never been more important in helping our community.  Please bring your non-perishable food donation items and help us to help others. 
Additional Annual Food Drive Drop Off Locations Lori Orestano-James 2022-11-13 05:00:00Z 0

Monticello Rotary Food Drive Planned

Monticello Rotarians, Monticello HS Interact, & Fallsburg HS Interact Members organize the over 85 cases of food items donated by the community during the 2021 Monticello Rotary Annual Food Drive.
Monticello Rotary will continue the annual tradition of holding its Thanksgiving Food Drive on Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 9am – 1pm at the Ted Strobel (Neighborhood Facility) Building, Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York with pre-collection drop off locations available from Friday, November 9, 2022 until Friday, November 18, 2022 as noted below.
“Now, more than ever, our fellow neighbors are in need of food not only for Thanksgiving but to place food on their tables daily,” said Brad Rutledge, Monticello Rotary President.
According to Past Monticello Rotary President and Food Drive Co-Chairperson Lori Orestano-James, “We know how our community has always come through in the past to help us provide non-perishable food items to stock the United Way of Sullivan County Food Pantry and the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless Food Pantry during the winter months.  We are counting on your generosity once again to help feed those in need.”
Non-perishable food items may be purchased and dropped off the week of November , 2022 until November 18, 2022 at a local drop off spot.  “We are grateful to Kristt Company, Broadway, Monticello, for serving as an early drop off location starting on November 9, 2022 where you may drop off item(s) Monday thru Friday, 9am – 4pm until November 18, 2022.  All items pre-collected will be added to the items collected on November 19, 2022 at the Ted Strobel (Neighborhood Facility) in Monticello from 9am – 1pm, stated Peter Chester, event co-chair. “Julian Dawson, Executive Director of Sullivan County United Way and Kathy Kreiter, Executive Director for the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless will be on hand to pick up the donated items for distribution by the respective agencies”, according to Co-Chair Janet Kaplan.
Items most needed:
Canned veggies, canned fruit, cereal, pasta, gravy, sauces, canned meats, canned pasta, jam, jelly, peanut butter, rice.  (Any items non-perishable).
The Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” has never been more important in helping our community.  Please bring your non-perishable food donation items and help us to help others. 
Monticello Rotary Food Drive Planned Lori Orestano-James 2022-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Monticello Rotary Walk to End Alzheimer's Surpasses Goal

What a perfect morning as Monticello Rotary laced up their sneakers and moved their feet to Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The Club members, along with members of the community and the Rotary Club of Livingston Manor walked in honor of Olga Orestano and Ed Walsh, and in memory of Eleanor D'Argenio - they and their families are the #brave #warriors of this debilitating and horrible disease. Event Chair Barbara Carr did a great job in organizing the TEAM She states, "A big thank you to all who contributed helping the Monti Rotarians not only meet their goal of $2500, but, to exceed it, raising a total of $2744.15."
Monticello Rotary Walk to End Alzheimer's Surpasses Goal Lori Orestano-James 2022-10-25 04:00:00Z 0


On October 1, 2022, the Monticello Rotary Club held a “Comfort Closet Collection Drive” at the Thompson Square Mall.  With the generosity of the community, the Monticello Rotary Club collected over $4000 in personal hygiene products which were delivered to the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless for distribution.
According to the Comfort Closet Collection Drive Chairperson and Past President of Monticello Rotary, Lori Orestano-James, “When we put out a Call to Action such as this, our community always stands up to the challenge.  Many of our club members were moved by the amount of people who while dropping off products such as deodorant, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, incontinence products, and so many other items, commented to us – thanking us – for holding this event.  With hard economic times, Monticello Rotary felt the need to conduct this Drive to ensure families in need had these items, especially knowing that these items are not covered through other agency programs.”
A special thank you to Monticello ShopRite and The Town of Thompson who helped in the ability for the Monticello Rotary Clubs success with some COVID protocols still in place.  Their assistance with drop off location space and announcements for the Drive allowed for this overwhelming success.
Monticello Rotary will be holding it Annual Food Drive on November 19, 2022 from 9am – 1pm at the Ted Stroebele Recreation Center, Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York.  Non-perishable food items will be collected at that time to benefit Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless and United Way of Sullivan County.   
MONTI ROTARY COMFORT CLOSET DRIVE HUGE SUCCESS Lori Orestano-James 2022-10-16 04:00:00Z 0


The Monticello Rotary COAT DRIVE was a huge success. Coats of many sizes were collected at Jeff Bank on Route 42 in Monticello, Kristt Company, The Ethelbert B. Crawford Library, and Albella Restaurant, Jefferson Street, Monticello. Coats were donated to the United Way of Sullivan County. Thank you to all who contributed in helping to keep our neighbors warm!
SUCCESSFUL COAT DRIVE Hudson Cooper 2022-10-16 04:00:00Z 0


A special presentation was made by Monticello Rotary Monster Run Co-Chairs and Past Presidents Les Kristt and Orshii Boldiis who spoke of the success of the Monster Run They presented Sullivan County Veteran's Coalition Director Howard Goldsmith with a check for $8277 to benefit all Sullivan County Veterans.
Special thanks were given to Jeff Bank ($750); Sullivan County ($750) and a personal donation by Bob DiSalvio of Resorts World for $5000 making this event another success this year. 
Monti Rotary realized a net of $6500 in addition to the total funds given to the Sullivan Veteran's.  This will enable the Monticello Rotary to continue to provide financial support for a wide variety of local agencies and organizations.
MONSTER RUN NETS RED, WHITE, BLUE AND $ GREEN $ Hudson Cooper 2022-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Ernst Makes Paul Harris Plus 2

Congratulations to Monticello Rotary Past President Robert Ernst for earning his Paul Harris Plus 2 honors. President Brad Rutledge assists Rotary District 7210 Governor Larry Palant with the presentation and pinning of this honor.   

The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. Many other notable figures have been named Paul Harris Fellows, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk.

Plus 2 mean that Bob Ernst has met this accomplishment twice.  He continue to give in his own name and in the name of his wife Eileen who is also a Paul Harris Fellow. 

Congratulations Bob and thank you for all you do on behalf of Rotary.  

Ernst Makes Paul Harris Plus 2 Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visits Monti Rotary Club

Monticello Rotary had the unique opportunity to have a visit from Rotary District 7210 Governor Larry Palant.  The Governor shared with the club happenings from throughout the district regarding grant opportunities, the upcoming District Meeting and Projects, membership ideas and club project ideas, and other information concerning club and member opportunties.  Alway a pleasure to have Larry at our meeting.  Always great to hear his jokes, too. 
District Governor Visits Monti Rotary Club Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Walks for Alzheimer's

2021 Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's - Advanced Memory  Research Institute of New Jersey
On October 22, 2022 at 10am Members of the Monticello Rotary Club and all other's who wish to sign up for the TEAM will participate in the "Walk to End Alzheimer's." Monti Rotary Chairperson for this event, Barbara Carr notes,  "Sadly, there isn't a single person who is not effected or knows someone who is effected by this horrible and debilitating disease." Won't you join us and/or make a donation to help us in the fight to end Alzheimer's Disease.  The link to donate or sign up is 
Monti Rotary Walks for Alzheimer's Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Shannon Cilento Runs to Raise Money for Allyson Whitney Foundation

Monticello Rotarian Shannon Cilento is raising money for the Allyson Whitney Foundation as she runs in the TCS NYS Marathon in November.  At our meeting on September 13th. Melissa DiCostanzo, an RN who volunteers for AWF and was a personal friend of Allyson's, shared the great work that is being done to provide support for cancer patients.  Financial support to cover costs of treatment and social/emotional support through the AWF "Care" packages which provides comfort needs for patients, the AWF is a worthy cause.  Monticello Rotary is proud of Shannon and supported her in her efforts to reach her goal of $2800.  Please consider donating today using this link:  
Rotarian Shannon Cilento Runs to Raise Money for Allyson Whitney Foundation Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Blood Drive Huge Success

What an amazing community turn out for the Monticello Rotary Childhood Cancer Blood Drive held at Resorts World Catskills on Monday, September 19, 2022.  The event was a huge success with 34 units of blood ultimately collected by the New York Blood Center.  Mary Kendell served as Honorary Chair and the Blood Drive was held in honor of Madelyn Bolduc, as brave little 3 year old girl in our community who, with along with her parents, Caitlyn and Christopher Bolduc are fighting hard to cure her leukemia.  According to Monticello Rotary Club Past President and Blood Drive Chairperson Lori Orestano-James, "With the help of our entire community, the Monticello Rotary Club was able to help collect enough blood through donors during this blood drive to help save the lives of 102 people."  Our next Blood Drive will be held in February.  Please remember to give the gift of life...DONATE BLOOD! 
Blood Drive Huge Success Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Cilento Runs to Raise Money for Allyson Whitney Foundation

Monticello Rotarian Shannon Cilento is raising money for the Allyson Whitney Foundation as she runs in the TCS NYS Marathon in November.  At our meeting on September 13th. Melissa DiCostanzo, an RN who volunteers for AWF and was a personal friend of Allyson's, shared the great work that is being done to provide support for cancer patients.  Financial support to cover costs of treatment and social/emotional support through the AWF "Care" packages which provides comfort needs for patients, the AWF is a worthy cause.  Monticello Rotary is proud of Shannon and supported her in her efforts to reach her goal of $2800.  Please consider donating today using this link:  
Rotarian Cilento Runs to Raise Money for Allyson Whitney Foundation Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-20 04:00:00Z 0


Winter cold is just around the corner, and so many in our community are in need of a warm winter coat.  Please consider donating a new or gently used coat for the Monticello Rotary Annual Coat Drive.  Keep others warm by warming your heart by participating in this years event. 
BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-13 04:00:00Z 0


In recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the Monticello Rotary Club is holding a Blood Drive at Resorts World Catskills in Monticello.  We are proud to have Mary Kendell as our Honorary Chairperson.  Mary knows the importance of giving blood as she was a recipient as a child to deal with her illness.  Mary is humbled to serve in this role.  In addition, our club is making a challenge to all groups and organizations in our community to help us reach our goal.  We are holding this Blood Drive in honor of Madelyn Bolduc, the 3 year old daughter of Caitlin and Christopher Bolduc.  Madelyn is undergoing treatment for leukemia.  Leukemia is a blood cancer which hinders the body's ability to fight infection.  No person, let alone a child 3 years of age, should ever have to go through such a horrible disease.  But, Madelyn and her parents are braving this storm.  YOU CAN HELP! Giving blood is quick and simple. If you have questions or concerns regarding the process, please feel free to call 845 798-1770 and we will assist you.  Please sign up using the link below or scanning the QR Code on the flyer to schedule your appointment to donate blood giving Madelyn, and so many others, the true gift of life. Make a real difference and sign up today! 
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE - DONATE BLOOD Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-13 04:00:00Z 0


A beautiful day on the golf course provided the ideal backdrop for the Monticello Rotary Club Scholarship Committee to ensure success during its Annual Monticello Rotary Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament. Friendship and fun was the theme of the day.  A great day was had by all.  Thank you to all those who supported the event.  A special thank you to Co-Chairs, Bob Ernst and Randy Katz as well as their committee and all those who volunteered their efforts that day to help.  Find out how well we did by attending our meeting on September 13th. 
GOLF TOURNAMENT HUGE SUCCESS Lori Orestano-James 2022-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

44th Annual Monster Run Classic

44th Monti Rotary “Monster Run Classic” Benefits Veterans on SC Patriots Day
The Monticello Rotary Club 44th Annual Monster Run Classic will be held on Sunday, August 7, 2022 starting at 8:30am at Resorts World-Catskills in Monticello, New York .  The proceeds from the 2022 Monster Classic race will benefit the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition and is an event run by Monticello Rotary as part of Sullivan County Patriots Day. 
Each year this community event draws hundreds of walkers, runners and spectators from all over New York State. This race is expected to draw another very large turnout for this year’s event.
The race consists of 5K and 10K running and 5K walk events for the whole family. This course proves to be challenging and is considered by many one of the best run/walk courses in the area. In addition, health, wellness and running related businesses will have information and free screenings on site during the event. Raffles, door prizes and an auction round out this family fun filled event. 
The major goal of Rotary is to serve the community.  The proceeds for this year’s race will help local veterans to meet needs of everyday living. According to Monticello Rotary Club President-Elect  Brad Rutledge, “Too many of our veterans need assistance with heating, food, transportation for medical serves, rent and mortgage assistance just to name a few.  They have given to us all through their service to our country.  Monticello Rotary is glad to sponsor this race to raise awareness and funds as a way of giving back to those who served and are currently serving.”   
Many veterans sign up to participate.  Their motto is, “Our Colors: Red, White & Blue Never Run……Except for the Monti Rotary Monster Run!”  They look forward to running/walking with those they served to protect.
Special thanks to Resorts World Casino for serving as a title sponsor and enabling Monticello Rotary to return the race to its Monster Classic home.  Meghan Taylor, VP Government Affairs and Public Relations Resorts World Catskills & Resorts World New York City states, “We are grateful for this terrific opportunity to raise awareness and funds for local veterans and the difficult challenges they face.”
So, whether you choose to run or walk any of the races, cheer on and be a supportive spectator, come out to show your patriotic support for the veterans, volunteer for the race needs, win some wonderful prizes or you are just attending to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning in the Catskills, you will be sure to have a great time while supporting a great cause!
Registrations can be completed online prior to the event at   For further information about the race, please contact Orshii Boldiis via email at or call (845) 239-2107.
44th Annual Monster Run Classic Lori 2022-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Save a Life - Donate Blood 

Blood donations are needed now more than ever.  Monticello Rotary will be holding a Blood Drive in conjunction with NYBC (New York Blood Center) as part of the 44th Annual WSUL Heart-a-thon on Friday, February 11, 2022 from noon until 6pm at Resorts World in Monticello who has graciously sponsored this event.  To schedule a time, please register by clicking on this link: Additional information links are below. 
Please help us to help others and sign up today! All COVID protocol including wearing masks and social distancing will be enforced for the safety of everyone. 
Save a Life - Donate Blood  Lori Orestano-James 2022-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

Donate Blood - Save a Life

Blood donations are needed now more than ever.  Monticello Rotary will be holding a Blood Drive in conjunction with NYBC (New York Blood Center) as part of the 44th Annual WSUL Heart-a-thon on Friday, February 11, 2022 from noon until 6pm at Resorts World in Monticello who has graciously sponsored this event.  To schedule a time, please register by clicking on this link: Additional information links are below. 
Please help us to help others and sign up today! All COVID protocol including wearing masks and social distancing will be enforced for the safety of everyone. 
Donate Blood - Save a Life Lori Orestano-James 2022-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

Go Team Rotary!  43rd Annual Heart-a-thon Virtual But Beating Strong

43rd heartathon (2).jpg
Monticello Rotary is pleased to Support the 43rd Annual 98.3 WSUL Heart-A-Thon! We ask that you help us to help others by making your pledge today. All funds raised go directly to help Garnett Medical Center in Harris NY to purchase much needed heart saving equipment for its Cardiopulmonary Department. Donations of all sizes are appreciated as a lot of littles add up to a lot of lots! Thanks for helping us live the Rotary motto of Service Above Self! 
Go Team Rotary! 43rd Annual Heart-a-thon Virtual But Beating Strong Lori Orestano-James 2021-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

"Night Out Series" at Forestburgh Playhouse Amazing!

Monticello Rotary Club members joined with members of the Monticello Kiwanis Club in our "Night Out" series on July 17, 2018 for the opening night of "Annie" at the Forestburgh Playhouse.  All we can say is, "WOW!"  The performances of the Pre-show Cabaret and the Main Stage shows were simply AMAZING!  We had a terrific night of fellowship and fun!  The cast, crew and staff were absolutely top notch!  Thank you to our host, Franklin Trapp for a great evening of entertainment, food and friendship!  We enjoy our "Night Out" with you each year and this year was no exception!
A fabulous Cabaret Dinner/Pre-show by this year's Resident Company filled with memorable tunes of the '70's and spectacular talent!  We were all humming along but most of all Doug Muller!  He knew every song and remembered all the lyrics! 
 Getting ready for show time!  
Excited to see the show!
Franklin's Famous Curtain Speech!  Wish we could have gotten a better picture but this was the best we had and wanted to make sure to include our fellow Rotarian in the photos!
Back stage post show Rotary President Lori James congratulates one of her favorite "Orphans" Julia Hawthorne! 
President Lori James congratulates "Annie" herself, Alicia Scali!  Lori performed with Alicia and Julia in "Music Man" at Forestburgh Playhouse "
a few years ago!  "I am so proud of their growth and performances," said James!  "They are both beautiful young ladies!"
Annie with Sandy! 
Photo credit - Jonathan Charles Fox courtesy of Forestburgh Playhouse
"I Don't Need Anything But You!"  
Photo credit - Jonathan Charles Fox courtesy of Forestburgh Playhouse
"It's a Hard Knock Life!"
Photo credit - Jonathan Charles Fox courtesy of Forestburgh Playhouse
Photo credit - Jonathan Charles Fox courtesy of Forestburgh Playhouse
"You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" 
Photo credit - Jonathan Charles Fox courtesy of Forestburgh Playhouse
"Night Out Series" at Forestburgh Playhouse Amazing! Lori Orestano-James 2018-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Monster Run Classic 2019

41 st Monti Rotary “Monster Run Classic” Benefits Veterans on SC Patriots Day
The Monticello Rotary Club 41st Annual Monster Run Classic will be held on Sunday, August 4, 2019.  The proceeds from the 2019 Monster Classic race will benefit the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition and is an event run by Monticello Rotary as part of Sullivan County Patriots Day. 
Each year this community event draws hundreds of walkers, runners and spectators from all over New York State. This race is expected to draw another very large turnout for this year’s event.
The race consists of 5K and 10K running and 5K walk events for the whole family. This course proves to be challenging and is considered by many one of the best run/walk courses in the area. In addition, health, wellness and running related businesses will have information and free screenings on site during the event. Raffles, door prizes and an auction round out this family fun filled event. 
The major goal of Rotary is to serve the community.  The proceeds for this year’s race will help local veterans to meet needs of everyday living. According to Monticello Rotary Club President Lori Orestano-James, “Too many of our veterans need assistance with heating, food, transportation for medical serves, rent and mortgage assistance just to name a few.  They have given to our country through their service to our country.  Monticello Rotary is glad to sponsor this race to raise awareness and funds as a way of giving back to those who served and are currently serving.”   
Many veterans’ including numerous Wounded Warriors, have signed up to participate.  Their motto is, “Our Colors: Red, White & Blue Never Run……Except for the Monti Rotary Monster Run!”  They look forward to running/walking with those they served to protect.
So whether you choose run or walk any of the races, cheer on and be a supportive spectator, come out to show your patriotic support for the veterans, volunteer for the race needs, win some wonderful prizes or you are just attending to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning in the Catskills, you will be sure to have a great time while supporting a great cause!
Registrations can be completed online prior to the event at In addition, registration will be held at the Monster Race sight (East Broadway off of Richardson Avenue) on Saturday, August 3, 2019 from 10am-2pm as well as the morning of the race.  The awesome course may be viewed at .  For further information about the race, please contact Orshii Boldiis via email at or call (845) 239-2107.
Monster Run Classic 2019 Lori Orestano-James 2018-07-16 04:00:00Z 0

Learning Lots

Learning Lots - Guest Speaker's Corner
We were so pleased to have Catskill Regional Medical Center CEO Jonathan Schiller speak to the Monticello Rotary Club at our meeting last week.  He shared with those present that CRMC takes a strong stance on the concept that "Wellness Starts At Home."  To that end, there are many positive happenings occurring at our community hospital.  
Mr. Schiller shared the work that the hospital is doing with Catholic Charities to help stop the opioid epidemic happening in our community.  He stressed that it has to be more than just Narcan training telling the club of the need for communicating with our children and parents.  We must develop the appropriate dialoge to ensure that our kids stay safe and have an understanding of the destruction of this horrible condition.  
In addition, Mr. Schiller spoke about the philanthropy within CRMC including The Annual Heat-a-thon, Golf Outing and RISE Walk a Mile event.  We heard about the new CT Imagining machine which will allow state of the art medical testing in our own back yard. The hospital was just awarded the American Heart Association Stroke Gold Plus Award for its service/response to stroke patients and the new Urgent Care just treated its 10,000 patient in the first year it has been open, 
We have so much to be grateful for in our community and CRMC is one such "jem" in our community.  Thanks for all of the information and keep up the great work! 
CRMC CEO Jonathon Schiller shares the good happenings at the hospital with Monticello Rotary Club
Monticello Rotary President Lori Orestano-James introduces the CEO of CRMC Jonathan Schiller.
Monticello Rotary Members listen closely to Catskill Regional Medical Center CEO Jonathan Schiller about the great things happening at our hospital. 
Monticello Rotary President Lori Orestano-James with CRMC CEO Jonathan Schiller.  
Learning Lots Lori Orestano-James 2018-07-16 04:00:00Z 0

Monti Rotary Celebrates & Honors

An evening of celebration was enjoyed by all at this year's Monticello Rotary Installation & Awards Dinner.  All agreed that the food by Mr. Willy's was fabulous; music by Spencer Daniel Agency was wonderful; Desserts and Cake by DeFillipis was delectable; company was spectacular; heat was TOO much but it didn't matter!  Congratulations to all of those honored for their Service Above Self.  Distinguished Service Awards were presented to Dr. Randy Katz, Lori Orestano-James and Helen Diehl by outgoing President Barbara Carr.  In addition, Orshii Boldiis was honored with the Four Way Test Award for his outstanding service and dedication to the principles of Rotary.  Past District Governor Nick Constantino was on hand to assist in the ceremonies and current Assistant District Governor Susan Kraycer did the honors of installing Lori Orestano-James, President; Jacob Lerner, President Elect; Barbara Carr, Treasurer; and Orshii Boldiis, Secretary.   
More Celebrations & Honors from the past few weeks - Boy....we've been busy!
Monti Rotary Celebrates & Honors Lori Orestano-James 2018-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Montigram Voice 

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Sep 04, 2017
story thumbnail
Monti Meeting Happenings
August 29, 2017             6:30pm            Albella’s Restaurant
Call to Order
President Barbara Carr called the meeting to order at 6:30pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and The Rotary Four Way Test.  She then welcomed all members and introduced guests.
Guests: Bejan Kerendian, Cathy Paty
Montigram Editor Report
This Montigram is packed with information from the past few weeks.  Please take a moment to look at all the good that Rotary is doing locally and beyond! Truly doing "Service Above Self!"  Come join us in making our community and world a better place for all!  
President's Reminders
President Barbara Carr shared upcoming dates and reminders with the club.  Remember to visit our website or view in this newsletter our upcoming events.
The Liberty Rotary is holding its 5th Annual Spirit, Beer & Wine Tasting a the Downtown BARN in Liberty (14 Darbee Lane) on Friday, September 15, 2017 at 6pm.  (Live Music by Cathy Paty!) Tickets are limited so be sure to call for information and reservations.  Contact Liberty Rotary President Judy Siegel at (845) 798-2188 or The Monticello Rotary Club made a $250 donation to the Liberty Scholarship event. 
We received notes from David Braunstein and CC DeCosto to thank us for the scholarships they received from the Monticello Rotary Club.  Wish them luck with their future endeavors. 
Rotary Means Business will be meeting soon.  President Carr will forward information once the first "meeting" is established.  Please stay tuned for more information regarding this new program. 
Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts
President Carr sent out information under separate cover (see below).  More will be reported at the August 5, 2017 meeting with specific efforts. VP  Lori Orestano-James will be our Club Contact for continued efforts on this project and liaison for outreach in working with Liberty Rotary, Interacts and others to unite in this needed effort.  

Also, our club is joining forces with the Liberty Rotary Club to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Local groups are headed to Texas to assist the regions affected by Hurricane Harvey, according to a press release from the Liberty Rotary Club and Monticello-based nonprofit Operation Endeavor....  The groups are working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to plan a response for areas that aren’t receiving as much assistance as the urban areas. Aid efforts are also being coordinated through Rotary Clubs in the Houston area.

The five-member team includes Stuart Hirsch, director of operations for St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Services in Connecticut. The other members on the team are Naval Corpsman Lawrence Smira and paramedical and rescue professional Charles Atwell, Charles Lee Miller and Thomas Andryshak. Hirsch, a Liberty Rotarian, is also the president of Operation Endeavor. Gary Silver, Susan Kraycer and Gary Siegel are other Liberty Rotarians on Operation Endeavor’s board of directors.
The Liberty Rotary Club has contacted thousands of Rotarians in the New York region to donate to the effort.

Monticello Rotary is proud to join the effort! We're asking members and friends to contribute to Operation Endeavor by making a donation online via this link:

OR you can make a check payable to Monticello Rotary Club with "Operation Endeavor" noted in the memo space and bring it to a meeting.

THANK YOU for your support!

Please help in any way you can.  United with Texas throughout this difficult time is what is most important.  "Operation Endeavor" has a Rescue Crew with feet on the ground already providing services to those in need.   They have reported back to Gary Siegel of Liberty Rotary as to what the needs are so we can assist appropriately.  We are lucky to have Rotarians on the "Operation Endeavor" Board of Directors as well as participating in the mission with feet on the ground in Texas.  Please remember that "Shelter Box" is also working with Rotary International to assist in this cause and would appreciate your consideration as well.   
Member Happenings
Congratulations to Les Kristt on being honored for his work in our community and Service Above Self by the Sullivan County Partnership on October 5, 2017 at 5:30 at The Sullivan in Rock Hill. 
Congratulations to Richard Sush on being honored at the Town of Thompson Democratic Committee Annual Gala Cocktail Party and Dinner for his commitment and Service Above Self on behalf of our community.  The event is on October 11, 2017 at 5:30pm at Ciao Bella Restaurant in Monticello. 
Guest Speaker
Cathy Paty, President/CEO of the Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce shared the wonderful work the SC Chamber is doing.  There are a plethora of ways the Sullivan County Chamber can help you and your business, clubs or organizations!  Here were some of the highlights from the meeting: 
  • Chamber Guide
  • Post/Search for Job Opportunities
  • Hot Deals/Promotions
  • Calendar Listing (Check out the Monticello Rotary Scholarship Golf Outing Posting just submitted!) 
  • Chamber and community growth over the past 5 years
  • Representation of Members with numerous groups and boards (reciprocal)
  • Developed a 3 year Strategic Plan
  • New Customer Advantage Progam
  • Look for New Streamlined Pride Awards Event in November
Past Meeting Speakers: 
Alzheimer's Association: Susan Buckles and Sheila Lashinsky 
Susan Bunce and Sheila Lashinsky joined us at our August 22, 2017 meeting to speak with to us about the Alzheimer's Association.  Susan gave those in attendance a great deal of information about this disease.  Here are some of the key points shared: 
  • There currently is no cure for Alzheimers
  • Medications are available to help with symptoms but only prolongs the symptom on-sets (approximately 18 months)
  • 5 million people in the US have been diagnosed with the estimation that by 2050 16 million will be affected by Alzheimers
  • Every 66 seconds, someone develops Alzhiemers
  • Caregivers give approximately 18.2 Billion hours of care a year
  • Music makes a difference in how people with Alzheimers respond to surroundings (Alive Inside - )
Sheila shared what our local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association is doing. Some highlights are: 
  • Music Socials
  • 24 Hour Helpline
  • Service Assistance for those in need
  • Fundraising efforts - They have a bus to transport those interested in participating in this year's Alzheimer's Walk.  Monticello Rotary will work on creating a team to assist in this venture.  The team will include the Monticello and Fallsburg Interact Clubs.  We will reach out to our neighboring Rotary Clubs to explore if they are interested in joining us.  We have a donation can available at each meeting as well.  Our member contact for this event is Janet Kaplan. THe walk is On Saturday October 7, 2017. 
Committee Reports
Monster Run – Les Kristt
Les Kristt gave an accounting on this years event and was proud to announce that we garnered more funds than in years past.  The event is growing and he thanked all those who volunteers and assisted in making this event the success it was. 
Orshii Boldiis reported that we still have a limited amount of Monster Run T-Shirts available.  Please contact him directly or attend a meeting to purchase.  The shirts are $10.00 each.
Golf Outing - Bob Ernst
Plans are underway and brochures were distributed for this years event.  
Please check out the link on our website page or Facebook page for details. 
Bob is asking for volunteers to assist.  Please contact him if you are able to help. All proceeds benefit the Rotary College Foundation Scholarship
Four member teams are being sought with Registration at 9 and Shot Gun Start at 10am at Tarry Brae Golf Course.  Steak Dinner (BBQ) when Golfing is completed. 
Friendship Friday - Barbara Carr
Another successful Friendship Friday was held on Friday September 1, 2017! A great opportunity to network and enjoy the company and fellowship of others! Our next Friendship Friday is October 6, 2017 from 5:30 - 7:00pm.  Stay tuned for more information!
Youth Exchange - Helen Diehl
Helen shared postcards from Leo who thanked the Monticello Club for her wonderful experience this past year.  Leo is currently in a BA/FA Program to work with students at a Summer Camp.  
Montigram Voice Lori Orestano-James 2017-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Monticello Rotary Club Joins Forces with Liberty Rotary Club to Aid Hurricane Harvey  Victims

Our club is joining forces with the Liberty Rotary Club to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Local groups are headed to Texas to assist the regions affected by Hurricane Harvey, according to a press release from the Liberty Rotary Club and Monticello-based nonprofit Operation Endeavor.

The groups are working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to plan a response for areas that aren’t receiving as much assistance as the urban areas. Aid efforts are also being coordinated through Rotary Clubs in the Houston area, the release said.

The five-member team includes Stuart Hirsch, director of operations for St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Services in Connecticut. The other members on the team are Naval Corpsman Lawrence Smira and paramedical and rescue professional Charles Atwell, Charles Lee Miller and Thomas Andryshak.   Hirsch, a Liberty Rotarian, is also the president of Operation Endeavor. Gary Silver, Susan Kraycer and Gary Siegel are other Liberty Rotarians on Operation Endeavor’s board of directors.

The Liberty Rotary Club has contacted thousands of Rotarians in the New York region to donate to the effort. 

Monticello Rotary is proud to join the effort!  We're asking members and friends to contribute to Operation Endeavor by making a donation online via this link:

OR you can make a check payable to Monticello Rotary Club with "Operation Endeavor" noted in the memo space and bring it to a meeting.

THANK YOU for your support!


Operation Endeavor is a nonprofit that provides rescue, emergency medicine and trauma training and supports disaster preparedness in developing regions of the world.

Monticello Rotary Club Joins Forces with Liberty Rotary Club to Aid Hurricane Harvey Victims Barbara Carr 2017-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Montigram Voice

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Aug 08, 2017
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Monticello Rotary In Pictures
There will be no stories in this newsletter.  Instead this newsletter is designed as a photo collage of the wonderful events our club has been involved in since our last meeting. Included are pictures from our 39th Annual Monster Run, our special meeting to see Bye, Bye Birdie at Forestburgh Playhouse and our Region 5 BBQ Meeting hosted by the Liberty Rotary Club.  These pictures along with others will be posted as a link on our website shortly.  All pictures can be downloaded by opening the link and/or this Montigram on a separate browser page.  If you have any trouble with this, feel free to contact me directly and I will be happy to help you through the process. 
Montigram Voice Lori Orestano-James 2017-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Friendship Friday

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Aug 06, 2017
Oh what a night....
A great time of friendship and fellowship was had by all at the Monticello Rotary's Friendship Friday Mixer held at BHR in Rock Hill, New York on August 4, 2017.  Members and guests enjoyed good food, drinks and company!  If you missed it, you missed a terrific time.  You won't want to miss the next Friendship Friday on September 1st with location TBD! 
Rotary Members and Guests at this month's Friendship Friday (L-R front row) Janet Kaplan, Barbara Carr, Barbara Sush, Eileen Ernst (L-R middle row) Richard Sush, Judy Siegel, Irving Kaplan, Bob Ernst, Lori Orestano-James (L-R back row) Doug Muller, Gary Siegel
Friendship Friday Lori Orestano-James 2017-08-06 04:00:00Z 0

Montigram Voice

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Aug 01, 2017
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Monti Meeting Happenings
August 1, 2017             6:30pm            Albella’s Restaurant
Call to Order
President Barbara Carr called the meeting to order at 6:30pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and The Rotary Four Way Test.  She then welcomed all members and introduced guests.
Guests: Bejan Kerendian, Honorable Anthony Kane,  Susan Goodreds, Janice Valentino
Montigram Editor Report
We have a lot of great events and activities as we move forward this coming month.  Please be sure to check our calendar so you don't miss out on what is going on!  
Food - Glorious Food - Venue Update
Lori Orestano-James presented on behalf of the Dinner Committee.  Changes that the club requested such as "Family Style" service of salads along with 2 main entree selections (with standard Grilled Salmon with Veggies or Grilled Chicken (or Salmon) Caesar were met with a positive response from the club members.  In addition, thanks Mike for the delicious "bar nosh" you served prior to the meeting.  
As a reminder - The Monticello Rotary Club now meet weekly at Albella Family Restaurant, 50 Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York. 
Please remember to park in the side parking lot (to the left looking at the building) or use the spaces toward the left on the "Party Room" side of the building. 
Don't forget that we will be meeting at the Forestburgh Playhouse on August 8, 2017 for our meeting.  Fellow Rotarian Franklin Trapp welcomes our club with a delicious meal, a wonderful Cabaret show (Time of My Life - 30 Years of Dirty Dancing) and a fabulous Main Stage show (Bye, Bye Birdie!).
President's Reminders
At the July 18, 2017 meeting, President Barbara Carr shared several upcoming events and flyers (Please see attached).  In addition, she shared information about Region 5 events.  Please see the Club Calendar for further information.)
In addition, President Carr welcomed Jim Akin after his return from an illness.  We are glad to see you back. 
Guest Speaker
The Honorable Anthony Kane, Susan Goodreds and Janice Valentino representing Hospice of Sullivan And Orange Counties were our guest speakers for our meeting.  Their presentation was inspiring as they shared with us the wonderful works of this organization. Judge Kane shared that he believes that Hospice is the most important organization he has ever been part of.  He said when the family is unable to take care of their loved one, Hospice assists and improves greatly the end of life care for the patient and family.  Hospice helps with positive family relationships , medical needs and spiritual needs during this difficult time.  Judge Kane stated, "Hospice makes end of life acceptable and productive." 
Susan Goodreds spoke to our members about the upcoming Forestburgh 5K Run-Walk scheduled for August 12, 2017 which is the largest fundraiser for the Sullivan/Orange Hospice.  She encouraged our members to join in on the event to help Hospice reach its goal for this years race. More information on the event can be found at . 
Janice Valentino is the Director of Marketing and Development for Sullivan/Orange Hospice.  We learned that costs of services of Hospice are more expensive in Sullivan County than in Orange County due to the Medicare Reimbursement formula because Sullivan County is further away from New York City.  Currently, Hospice is serving about 200 families per year in Sullivan and Orange County.  
Ms. Valentino also told us of two programs that Hospice is currently involved with.  First is the Camp Chrysalis.  This is a 3 day camp for Sullivan County youth ages 5-17 years of age who are in need of "grief services."  Follow this link for further information. 
The other program is a "We Honor Veterans" Program.  Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties, Inc. has reached the top tier of Community Partner Level IV of “We Honor Veterans,” a campaign developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Through this program Hospice gratefully acknowledges our military and service men, women and families. They aim to create a veteran centered organization through education, strategic partnership, resources and veteran recognition. Their mission is to serve our Nation’s Veterans who have served us. 
Janice shared what it is like to witness when the Veterans receive an Honor Salute or is presented with a beautifully hand crocheted red, white and blue afghan made by the "Chain Gang" in Wurtsboro, NY.  She said that the Veterans enjoy the card made by students and are truly grateful for this program. For more information visit the following link: 
Janice also reminded us that we are losing 1 in 4 Veterans every day.  Judge Kane also reminded us that the Sullivan/Orange Hospice is a non-profit indicating that it is not true of all Hospice organization.  
President Carr presented our speakers with a token of appreciation from our club and thanked them for all they do for those is our community.  This organization truly follows the Rotary principle and shows "Service Above Self" in all that they do! 
Member Happenings
This is a new section of the Montigram Voice.  As long as we are made aware, we will post news about our members.  
Congratulations:  Dr. Joe D'Abbraccio on the opening of your new office!
Committee Reports
Monster Run – Les Kristt
Les reported that the race is laid out.  He shared that we have an increase in Race Sponsorships.  There is an increase in outreach through Social Media.  We need volunteers to assist the day of the race.  In addition, we need to help get the runners out for the day of the event.  Registration is available online.
As a reminder - we will be holding our usual Pre-Registration on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at the Sign-in Table location (next to Monticello Pizza Hut) from 10AM - 2PM.  Please let Orshii Boldiis know if you can help out on that day!
Janet Kaplan is putting together a raffle for this years Monster Run.  The Raffle Basket theme is "Health & Wellness (how appropriate!) There are a number of wonderful items donated already but more is needed.  If you are able to make a donation to the cause, please contact Janet.  Janet gave out raffles to sell for those members present at the meeting.  Tickets at $5 each or 3 for $10 dollars.
Annual Dues: If you have not taken care of payment of your dues, please do so ASAP.
Friendship Friday - Barbara Carr
Barbara reported that the next Friendship Friday is August 4, 2017 at 5:30pm until 7– BHR in Rock Hill.  Members are encouraged to bring guests to learn about Rotary, our club and activities.
Rotary Night at Forestburgh PlayhouseGary Tugender
Gary shared that tickets are still available for our clubs annual Night at Forestburgh Playhouse meeting.  The show is the ever popular, Bye, Bye, Birdie!  Tickets and dinner are priced at $62 per person.  If you are a season ticket holder or just want to attend for dinner, the cost is $28 per person.  Please be sure to contact Gary as he needs to finalize the count with Forestburgh Playhouse.
Montigram Voice Lori Orestano-James 2017-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

Montigram Voice

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Jul 25, 2017
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Monti Meeting Happenings
July 25, 2017              6:30pm            Albella’s Restaurant
Call to Order
President Barbara Carr called the meeting to order at 6:30pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and The Rotary Four Way Test.  She then welcomed all members and introduced guests.
Guests: Bejan Kerendian, Lijia Kerendian-Livian
Montigram Editor Report
We have a lot of great events and activities as we move forward this coming month.  Please be sure to check our calendar so you don't miss out on what is going on!  
New Meeting Location
We officially moved in to our new meeting location.  We now meet weekly at Albella Family Restaurant, 50 Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York.  The Dinner Committee (Joe D’Abbraccio, Jacob Lerner, Janet Kaplan and Barbara Carr, and Lori Orestano-James) met with Mike, the owner of Albella Family Restaurant) to discuss menu options an club needs.  Mike has some great ideas to help create an inviting atmosphere for our members and visiting guests. 
Those who were at the meeting noticed the addition of "Bar Nosh" prior to the official meeting.  This will allow our members and guests to network prior to our meetings while having a "little something" to curb their appetite until serving of dinner.  Speaking of dinner, Mike will provide its club members and guests to entree choices which will rotate each week.  In addition, available every week is the choice of Grilled Salmon with Vegetables, and a Caesar Salad with either Grilled Chicken or Grilled Salmon.  Sign in with one of the wait staff at the bar when you arrive to place your order.  
We will be meeting in the "Party Room" which is a private room off the main dining room.  Mike has requested that we park on the left side of the front parking area and/or the left side lot and enter through the secondary door.  Making a right as you come through the door will bring you to our private area without having to walk through the restaurant dining room.  Mike also shared that he will be doing some upgrades to the private room area over the next few months (post summer season) to make the room a better meeting space for all.  
Mike and his family have been great supporters of the Monticello Rotary Events always donating gift certificates and sponsoring vents.  We look forward to our continued relationship, great meals and wonderful fellowship!
President's Reminders
At the July 18, 2017 meeting, President Barbara Carr shared several upcoming events and flyers (Please see attached).  In addition, she shared information about Region 5 events.  Please see the Club Calendar for further information.)
Guest Speaker
Our guest speaker was our very own, Joe D'Abbracchio who spoke about our ClubRunner and Facebook accounts.  Joe demonstrated how to navigate our website to find information, how to post to Facebook and shared our new Google Drive Account for us to share photos and such.  Remember to bookmark our page .  You can  visit our page to keep updated with Monticello Rotary Happenings!  
In addition, remember to "Like" us and "Follow" us on our Facebook Page (Rotary Club of Monticello, NY).  This is a great place to post when you attend Rotary Events and to stay current with what we have been doing. 
The feedback from the members in attendance was terrific and have requested to have Joe come back and review what was covered.  We all agreed that we will need to wait at least until after August 1st when he has officially opened Catskill Veterinary Services, PLLC!  We will wait Joe and wish you much success! 
Member Happenings
This is a new section of the Montigram Voice.  As long as we are made aware, we will post news about our members.  
Get Well Wishes: Jim Akins
Congratulations: Marty & Lauren Miller of the birth of their second grandchild. 
Committee Reports
Monster Run – Les Kristt
Les reported that the race is laid out.  He shared that we have an increase in Race Sponsorships.  There is an increase in outreach through Social Media.  We need volunteers to assist the day of the race.  In addition, we need to help get the runners out for the day of the event.  Registration is available online.
As a reminder - we will be holding our usual Pre-Registration on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at the Sign-in Table location (next to Monticello Pizza Hut) from 10AM - 2PM.  Please let Orshii Boldiis know if you can help out on that day!
Janet Kaplan is putting together a raffle for this years Monster Run.  There are a number of wonderful items donated already but more is needed.  If you are able to make a donation to the cause, please contact Janet and/or bring the item to the meeting Tuesday night. 
Next Committee Meeting – August 1, 2017 at Albella’s Restaurant at 5:30pm
Annual Dues: If you have not taken care of payment of your dues, please do so ASAP.
Friendship Friday - Barbara Carr
Barbara reported that the next Friendship Friday is August 4, 2017 at 5:30pm until 7– BHR in Rock Hill.  Members are encouraged to bring guests to learn about Rotary, our club and activities.
Rotary Night at Forestburgh PlayhouseGary Tugender
Gary shared that tickets are still available for our clubs annual Night at Forestburgh Playhouse meeting.  The show is the ever popular, Bye, Bye, Birdie!  Tickets and dinner are priced at $62 per person.  If you are a season ticket holder or just want to attend for dinner, the cost is $28 per person.  Please be sure to contact Gary as he needs to finalize the count with Forestburgh Playhouse.
Montigram Voice Lori Orestano-James 2017-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

President Corner

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Jul 25, 2017
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Region 5 Barbecue
Hosted by Liberty Rotary Club
At Hanofee Park in Liberty, NY
(Our beautiful lakeside setting!)
Please join us for some fun and fellowship on
Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00 p.m.
Burgers, Hot Dogs, BBQ or Teriyaki Honey Chicken, Sides, Dessert and Beverages (beer, wine, sodas, water…)
$15 per person
Club Presidents, please R.S.V.P. the number attending from your club to Liberty Rotary President, Judy Siegel
We look forward to seeing you there!
From Route 17 Heading North:
Take exit 100. At stop light turn left and proceed to next light which is the intersection of Route 52. Turn right and proceed through the first light(ShopRite / Rite Aid) to the second light. Turn left onto Sunset Lake Rd. Hanofee Park is approximately ¾ of a mile on the right.  Pavillion is just before the lake on the left, with parking to its right.  Additional parking across the street from the park.
From Route 17 Heading South:
Take exit 100 and take route 52 towards Loch Sheldrake(3rd turn on turn circle). Proceed to the third  light(One light beyond Rite Aid/ShopRite) and turn left onto Sunset Lake Rd. Hanofee Park is approximately ¾ of a mile on the right.  Pavillion is just before the lake on the left, with parking to its right.  Additional parking across the street from the park.
Saturday, August 12 th – Dutchess Stadium – Fishkill, NY Join DG Jim, Rotarians, Family and Friends from around our District for a Fun-Filled Day at Dutchess Stadium at the right field patio area. Game time is 7:05 PM HV Renegades vs. Brooklyn Cyclones (NY Mets Affiliate)FIREWORKS AFTER THE GAME! Gates open at 5:30 PM All you can eat food and soft drinks 6 to 8 PM! One Lucky Rotarian gets to throw First Pitch! Free Raffle of Renegades Tickets & Other Items! All this for only $29.00 per person! Please mail this form and check payable to Rotary District 7210 to Steve Laubach 7th Annual Fun-Raiser PO Box 676 Highland, NY 12528-0676 Please send reservation and payment no later than Aug 9th. Thank you! You will pick up your tickets at the will call window at the stadium on game day.
President Corner Lori Orestano-James 2017-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Montigram Voice

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Jul 18, 2017
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Monti Meeting Happenings
July 18, 2017              6:30pm            Albella’s Restaurant
Call to Order
President Barbara Carr called the meeting to order at 6:32pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and The Rotary Four Way Test.  She then welcomed all members and introduced guests.
Guests: Bill James, Vic Desher and Bonnie from Livingston Manor Rotary
Montigram Editor Report
The Monticello Rotary Club has had a very active past few weeks with much coming up in the next few weeks as well.  We have had our installation of the 2017-18 Officers, our Annual Club BBQ, RYLA, and finally our first official meeting of the year lead by our new President Barbara Carr. 
We have a new meeting location.  We will be meeting at Albella’s Restaurant, 50 Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York.  The Dinner Committee (Joe D’Abbraccio, Jacob Lerner, Janet Kaplan and Barbara Carr, researched desires of the members and explored local options.  One of the overwhelming responses was location, location, location.  The Monticello location will provide a more centralized spot for our membership.
At the July 18, 2017 meeting, President Barbara Carr shared several upcoming events and flyers (Please see attached).  In addition, she shared information about Region 5 events.  Please see the Club Calendar for further information.)
Our guest speaker was our very own, Lori Orestano-James who spoke about the Monticello Central School District Hall of Distinction.  Lori (the HOD Chairperson) shared that the HOD, which is in its 5th year, has inducted a wide array of honorees.  The HOD Committee looks for nominees who the students will view as role models, be motivated by the nominee’s accomplishments, and aspire to emulate.  The nominations are on a rolling basis and the nomination process is open to the public.  Nomination specifications and application can be found at:
The HOD Committee is a group of volunteers who facilitate the collection of potential applicants, select the honorees and plan the formal induction ceremony and surrounding events.  They plan class speaking opportunities and school visits.  Fellow Liberty Rotarian and Science Teacher at the Robert J. Kaiser Middle School, Gary Silverman, works with the students on the Virtual Hall of Distinction also found on the district website.  An additional event is a dinner for the honorees and their families.  Funds are raised from local sponsors to cover the costs of this dinner which is held the evening of the Induction Ceremony.    Lori requested that if any individual business, person or Monticello Rotary was interested in sponsoring any or all of the dinner to please contact her directly.  There is a reception immediately following the dinner which is open to the public to meet, greet and congratulate the honorees (Cash bar with hors d’oeuvres sponsored by the school district.  Lori also shared that many of our Monticello Rotary Members have served on this committee (Randy Katz, Marty Miller, and Les Kristt – Former Chairperson). Please feel free to contact Lori directly should you have any questions regarding this great event.
Janet Kaplan shared information regarding the Alzheimer’s Walk and raising funds for this worthy cause.  She is seeking out donations for a “Raffle Basket” as well as potentially forming a Rotary Team.  Watch the Montigram (or better yet – come to the meetings) for updates on this event.
Committee Reports
Monster Run – Les Kristt
Les reported that the race is laid out.  He shared that we have an increase in Race Sponsorships.  There is an increase in outreach through Social Media.  We need volunteers to assist the day of the race.  In addition, we need to help get the runners out for the day of the event.  Registration is available online.
Next Committee Meeting – July 25, 2017 at Albella’s Restaurant at 5:30pm
Annual Dues – If you have not taken care of payment of your dues, please do so ASAP
Friendship Friday - Barbara Carr
Barbara reported that the next Friendship Friday is August 4, 2017 at 5:30pm until 7– BHR in Rock Hill.  Members are encouraged to bring guests to learn about Rotary, our club and activities.
Annual BBQ – Alex Rey
Alex reported that the turn-out for the event this year was not as expected.  He will explore options on how to solve some of the concerns.  He thanked all those involved and reminded the membership to turn in any outstanding funds on tickets so he can finalize the accounting on the event.
Rotary Night at Forestburgh Playhouse – Gary Tugender
Gary shared that tickets are still available for our clubs annual Night at Forestburgh Playhouse meeting.  The show is the ever popular, Bye, Bye, Birdie!  Tickets and dinner are priced at $62 per person.  If you are a season ticket holder or just want to attend for dinner, the cost is $28 per person.  Please be sure to contact Gary as he needs to finalize the count with Forestburgh Playhouse.
Montigram Voice Lori Orestano-James 2017-07-18 04:00:00Z 0

President Corner

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Jul 18, 2017
story thumbnail
Region 5 Barbecue
Hosted by Liberty Rotary Club
At Hanofee Park in Liberty, NY
(Our beautiful lakeside setting!)
Please join us for some fun and fellowship on
Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00 p.m.
Burgers, Hot Dogs, BBQ or Teriyaki Honey Chicken, Sides, Dessert and Beverages (beer, wine, sodas, water…)
$15 per person
Club Presidents, please R.S.V.P. the number attending from your club to Liberty Rotary President, Judy Siegel
We look forward to seeing you there!
From Route 17 Heading North:
Take exit 100. At stop light turn left and proceed to next light which is the intersection of Route 52. Turn right and proceed through the first light(ShopRite / Rite Aid) to the second light. Turn left onto Sunset Lake Rd. Hanofee Park is approximately ¾ of a mile on the right.  Pavillion is just before the lake on the left, with parking to its right.  Additional parking across the street from the park.
From Route 17 Heading South:
Take exit 100 and take route 52 towards Loch Sheldrake(3rd turn on turn circle). Proceed to the third  light(One light beyond Rite Aid/ShopRite) and turn left onto Sunset Lake Rd. Hanofee Park is approximately ¾ of a mile on the right.  Pavillion is just before the lake on the left, with parking to its right.  Additional parking across the street from the park.
Saturday, August 12 th – Dutchess Stadium – Fishkill, NY Join DG Jim, Rotarians, Family and Friends from around our District for a Fun-Filled Day at Dutchess Stadium at the right field patio area. Game time is 7:05 PM HV Renegades vs. Brooklyn Cyclones (NY Mets Affiliate)FIREWORKS AFTER THE GAME! Gates open at 5:30 PM All you can eat food and soft drinks 6 to 8 PM! One Lucky Rotarian gets to throw First Pitch! Free Raffle of Renegades Tickets & Other Items! All this for only $29.00 per person! Please mail this form and check payable to Rotary District 7210 to Steve Laubach 7th Annual Fun-Raiser PO Box 676 Highland, NY 12528-0676 Please send reservation and payment no later than Aug 9th. Thank you! You will pick up your tickets at the will call window at the stadium on game day.
President Corner Lori Orestano-James 2017-07-18 04:00:00Z 0

Reclaim New York

George Phillips from Reclaim New York presented to our May 23rd meeting.  Relcaim New York is a non-partisan, non-profit  organization that empowers New Yorkers through education and civic engagement to reclaim ownership of their government.  Receive updates and news from Reclaim New York at
We were very happy to see Leo and her host "Mom" at the meeting!  
Rick Stein shared Rotary flags and magazines from his Rotary Club Visits in Japan!
Reclaim New York 2017-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

nov 1 meeting

Members Present: Orshii Boldiis,William Brinkerhoff,Barbara Carr,Joe D'Abbraccio,Helen Diehl,John Greenbaum,Janet Kaplan,Randy Katz,Fouad Kerendian,John Kiefer,Les Kristt,Jacob Lerner,Marty Miller,Pam Sussman,Gary Tugender,


Guests: Angela Dutcher, Literacy Volunteers of Sullivan County

Dana Taylor, Supervisor of Special Programs/Innovation Instigator


Announcements, Old & New Business:

Dana Taylor, Supervisor of Special Programs/Innovation Instigator from Monticello Schools spoke to us about the Career Pathways Fair which will showcase business, 2 year, 4 year and technical schools to show that there are many pathways for students to follow.  If your business is interested participating please contact Dana at 845-794-8840, ext. 30847 or email


November 19th - Holiday Food Drive at Shoprite 9am - 1pm: please email Pam to let her know what time you can be  there to help.


The Liberty HS Interact Club will be hosting a VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT on Sat, 12/3 from 9-1pm at the LCHS Gym. All area schools, Rotary  and Interact clubs are invited to form teams and come join us in this event! Cost will be $5 per person on a team w/ 6-8 players per team. Entrance will be $1 per person OR bring a canned good for our local food pantry.


Rotary Holiday Party—Dec. 13, River Edge, We are inviting Liberty, Livingston Manor and Shawangunk Ridge Rotary Clubs. This will be cocktail style party with entertainment.


Les reported that The Long Beards will again be donating 25 turkeys, 21 will be going to the Evergreen Housing and 4 will be going to Judge Finn for her to distribute. Again Thank you to the Long Beards.

We still need transportation to and from 5 different weekend activities for Leo, our Exchange student. It is the clubs responsibility to transport our exchange student. It should not fall on the host family nor is it fair to Helen to have to do all the driving. Please contact Helen to let her know how and when you can help. There is also a form that needs to be completed and sent.


November 11-13                       Millbrook/UN Weekend

November 18-20                       West Point Weekend                                                            

January 27-29                          Phoenicia Winter Weekend

March 10-12                             Monticello Weekend (drives not needed)

March 31-April 2                      Red Hook / NYC Weekend

April 28-30                                New Paltz Weekend & District 7210 Conference                                                                 


Friendship Friday was held at  Frisson’s on Broadway. Although only 4 members  attended, Barbara, Jacob, Fouad, and Gary; we had some good conversations.  So, it was a success! This is a good opportunity to introduce prospective members about what Rotary is all about.  Think about who you might invite at our next Friendship Friday, December, 2nd.  Place TBA.

Let’s show some support! Peter Walsh, Monticello Rotary member and Aaron Kaplan, son of Rotarian Janet Kaplan will be performing in the production of Assassins at Sullivan County Community College Thursdays and Saturdays from November 10-20. A different production, Topdog/Underdog will be presented on Fridays and Sundays from November 10-20.  For more information check out

nov 1 meeting 2016-11-08 00:00:00Z 0

meeting news 10-25

  • Again welcome to our prospective transfer member Juliette McKerrel from Wayne Bank.

  • Rolland “Boomer” Bojo, Catskill Regional Medical Center has shown interest in becoming a member, hope to see him at a meeting soon.

  • Last week we voted to share the cost of a Shelter Box between Livingston Manor,  Liberty & Monticello clubs. Since then, Livingston Manor has donated $1,000 for an entire Shelter Box.  Gary Silver has now suggested the following : Liberty & Monticello clubs now donate--$333.33 per club, and have the Monticello and Liberty and Fallsburg Interact Clubs each donate $111.11. The vote was passed.

  • Monticello’s Teachers 2nd Annual 5K Tinsel Trot-- Proceeds to benefit the MTA Scholarship Fund and the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless.  It is to be held in Rock Hill on Dec. 10. Last year our Club donated $250.00 and we voted to do so again.

  • Last week Helen reported that we need transportation to and from 5 different weekend activities for Leo, our Exchange student. It is the clubs responsibility to transport our exchange student. It should not fall on the host family nor is it fair to Helen to have to do all the driving. Please contact Helen to let her know how and when you can help. There is also a form that needs to be completed and sent.

November 11-13                       Millbrook/UN Weekend

November 18-20                       West Point Weekend                                                            

January 27-29                          Phoenicia Winter Weekend

March 10-12                             Monticello Weekend (drives not needed)

March 31-April 2                      Red Hook / NYC Weekend

April 28-30                                New Paltz Weekend & District 7210 Conference                                                                                              

  • Rotary Holiday Party—Dec. 13, River Edge, We are inviting Liberty, Livingston Manor  and Shawangunk Ridge Rotary Clubs. This will be cocktail style party with entertainment.

  • November 19th - Holiday Food Drive at Shoprite 9am - 1pm: please email Pam to let her know what time you can be  there to help.

  • Friday, Nov 4th is Friendship Friday 5:30 – 7:00 @ Fanatics (Fussion) (aka Trotters) on Broadway, Monticello

    So far we have held 4 events which were a lot of fun. We will continue the 1st Friday of every month. Please bring a friend or two to introduce them to Rotary in a friendly atmosphere.

  • Rotary District Leadership Institute—Mount St. Mary College, Newburgh, NY, Nov.5, 7:30 AM—3:30 PM

  • Rotary Foundation Brunch, Nov. 6, Thayer Hotel, West Point, NY, Susan Davis, a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar will speak, $50.00/per person

meeting news 10-25 2016-10-31 00:00:00Z 0

Monti Meeting Happenings

Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Aug 01, 2016
Monti Meeting Happenings
August 9              6:30pm            River Edge Restaurant
Call to Order
President John Greenbaum called the meeting to order at 6:35pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and The Rotary Four Way Test.  He then welcomed all members and introduced guests.
Committee Reports
Monster Run – Les Kristt
Les reported that this year's Monster Run was a huge financial success.  He thanked everyone for their work and support.  We had 250+ runners and volunteers helping us reach our goal.  
Orshii shared how moving it was when a hush came across the crowd preparing to run as they heard the National Anthem sung by fellow Rotarian Lori Orestano-James. 
He said he was proud of the efforts of all and thanked everyone for making this the best year ever. 
See Pictures from meetings and race in this bulletin
Student Exchange Program – Helen Diehl
Helen updated the club on the progress of our Student Exchange Student from France. Tentative Youth Exchange Weekend will be April 21-23, 2017
Friendship Friday - Barbara Carr
Barbara reported that we had two potential new members attend the Friendship  Friday on August 5, 2016 at 5:30pm at the  River Edge Restaurant.  PDG Nick Constantiino joined us as we shared what we do in our communities with those wishing to learn more about our organization. 
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Orshii Boldis
This is a friendly reminder that dues are due!!!!$$$$!!!!!
Youth Exchange Weekend/Student - Helen Deihl
Helen reported that we have 2 host families for our Exchange Student from France.  In addition to seeking out one additional family, we are in need of changing our Exchange Student Weekend event due to a calendar conflict.  Helen will follow up and report more information at a future meeting.  If you are wiling or know of a host family, please contact Helen directly. 
What’s Coming Up
Next Meeting:NO MEETING on Tuesday
Rotary District Meeting Hanofee Park Wednesday Night
Guest Speaker Overview
Guest Speaker: 
Happy Dollars: Happy Dollars were given by those in attendance for the following:
Thanks forGood Dialogue regarding meeting locations
Thanks for the fellowship of our club
Great Work for the Monster
Great job by Lori James on the  Montigram
Good luck on the Monster Run
For Irving Kaplan being here at the meeting
Janet Kaplan’s daughter got marriage
Orshii Boldis for planning of the Monster
Jacob Lerner on the Monster
Rick Stein on the Monster
Helen for her committment to the Youth Exchange Weekend and Exchange Student Program
Allie Linen thank you note
Barbara Carr for being brave in quitting her job
Sad dollar for Doug because Barbara quit her job
Everyone in the room who worked on the Monster Run
Help for the work on the Monster Run
A lot to watch in the next 100 Days (political scene)
Monster Both Les and Orshii and all for stepping up
Doc Stein Itinerary 
Preparation and those   who are actively  working to make the race the success
Phil Ginsberg – Fixed our blow up sign thank you
We’re In The Money
50/50 Winner: Richard Rubin
Meeting Ajourned: 8:05pm
Monti Meeting Happenings Lori Orestano-James 2016-08-02 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Lori Orestano-James on Jul 15, 2016
The Monticello Rotary Club held its July 12, 2016 at the Forestburgh Playhouse.  While there, club members enjoyed a delicious dinner while seeing the fun-filled “The Rhythm is Gonna Getcha!” cabaret.  Afterwards, the club was further entertained by the side-splitting performance of “The Addams Family.” 
Founded in 1947, the Forestburgh Playhouse is the oldest continuously operating professional summer theatre in New York State. Under an agreement with the Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers, the Playhouse employs professional actors, often with Broadway or other major credits, as well as a company of non-union professionals who earn credit toward their own eventual membership in the Actors’ Equity Association.

The Forestburgh Playhouse operates during the summers only, from mid-June through Labor Day, and offers 3 different types of performance experiences: Broadway musicals and plays on the main stage, a youth theatre production performed at 11 AM on Thursdays and Saturdays, and musical cabaret performances presented with dinner in the adjoining Forestburgh Tavern during the week and a late-night cabaret Friday and Saturday after every evening performance.    
Special thanks to Rotarian Gary Tugender and his lovely wife, Mona, for organizing this special meeting.  In addition, a huge shout out to Rotarian and Forestburgh Playhouse owner Franklin Trapp for being a wonderful host.  And to the cast, crew and staff of the Forestburgh Playhouse – BRAVO!  It is clear why FBPlayhouse is the “Miracle in the Forest!”
Ba-da-da-dam-snap-snap! Lori Orestano-James 2016-07-16 00:00:00Z 0

Prez Greenbaum Takes Stock

Monticello Rotary President shared the ups and downs of financial investments and stocks.  He shared the old adage, "Buy low; sell high!"  We thank him for filling in at the last moment with this informative presentation.  
Monticello Rotary continues to provide wonderful presentations on a myriad of subjects.  If you are a member and haven't been to a meeting lately, come and find out what we have been doing!  We'd love to see you! 
This weeks meeting will be at Forestburgh Playhouse.  We will be seeing (Ba-da-da-dum-snap-snap) The Addams Family!  Monticello Rotary member and Playhouse owner Franklin Trapp is looking forward to seeing us!  Thank you Gary Tugender for making the arrangements! 
Prez Greenbaum Takes Stock LOJ 2016-07-11 00:00:00Z 0
Monticello, NY Rotary Club Gives $8,000 in Scholarships Locally Joseph D'Abbraccio 2016-06-22 00:00:00Z 0

news 6/14

Installation Tonight at River's Edge @ 6:30
Chicken Plus BBQ @ DeHoyos Park in Monticello - starts at 4:00 - 6/28 
Sell your tickets
Monticello Rotary Night 
Tuesday, July 12th  6:30 pm
The Addams Family - A New Musical Comedy

Caberet & Dinner & Show - $54.00
Caberet & Dinner (use your existing ticket) - $22.00

Send your confirmations with number of tickets requested 
and which ticket package to Gary at:
(*please note - the tickets are non-refundable)
news 6/14 2016-06-14 00:00:00Z 0

Academy of Finance

story thumbnail

On march 29, 2016 we had the pleasure of a presentation from the The Monticello High School Academy of Finance, which included Advisor Susan Bahrenburg and three seniors Ryan Katz & Cammeron Depuy Co-Treasures and Jaclyn Sorensen, co president

The Monticello High School Academy of Finance (AOF) is now a four-year program. Students are now able to take classes in their freshman year. Students are selected through an application process: Teacher and guidance counselor recommendations are required. Grades, attendance and discipline records will be checked. Eleventh and Twelfth grade students can take College level Accounting.

This program is a member program of the National Academy Foundation, which was founded in New York City by a partnership of schools and the financial services industry. There are over 600 Academy programs in the United States.

The Academy works with local businesses and both education and government leaders to design and offer financial education opportunities for Monticello High School students. This includes a comprehensive summer internship program.

The students have been helping community members complete their taxes for free. They have helped over 120 people so far with 3 weeks still to come.

At the end of 11th grade students are set up with a summer internship where they learn about many aspects of the business they are interning with.

This year the AOF students will host the inaugural community wide My School Color Run on Sunday, May 22, from 8:45 a.m. – 1 p.m, to help raise money for AOF scholarship funds.

My School Color Run is an untimed 5-kilometer fun run for all ages that ends in a joyous blast of color. Participants will receive a t-shirt, sunglasses, a color pack and admittance to the after-party.Along the route, groups of students will be showering participants with colored powder at four checkpoints, making it a “colorful experience.” The color will wash off easily and will not stain clothes. The color is created from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food dye (red, blue, yellow, and green), mixed with water and sprayed through a 1-gallon sprayer.

Additionally, each participant will be provided with a single powder color packet that will be thrown in the air at the final color celebration at the end of the finish line. This color, also approved by the FDA, is made from food grade cornstarch. Participants with asthma or ‘dust’ allergies should remain away from the powder area. Sunglasses will be provided to all participants and must be worn during the run.

Following the run, participants are encouraged to stay for the AOF’s Color Celebration Barbecue which will feature a live DJ, refreshments and several vendor booths. For more information contact Rebecca Bass or Jaclynn Sorensen at

Academy of Finance 2016-04-12 00:00:00Z 0


Monticello Rotary
75/25 Raffle
75% Heart -A-Thon/25% Winner
WSUL/WVOS Heart-A-Thon 2016
                             Drawing: Saturday, February 13, 1:30pm
Price: $10
10 Raffle tickets are being distributed to members at current meetings or sent snail mail. If you need more tickets (or didn’t receive them)
Please let Janet Kaplan know 845-798-0617 or
raffle 2016-01-05 00:00:00Z 0

Special Announcement

Join Us!!

Tuesday, December 15th
Monticello Rotary Holiday Party @
River Edge Restaurant
Please bring:
a toy
new clothing for children
an item for a senior in the Skilled Nursing Unit.
Special Announcement 2015-12-08 00:00:00Z 0


Tuesday December 8th -(Tomorrow)

Nick Constantino

will be attending our meeting at River's Edge this week

and  discussing building membership

 and what it is to be a Rotarian.

Join Us!!
Tuesday December 15th - (Next Week)
Monticello Rotary Holiday Party @
River's Edge
Please bring:
a toy
new clothing for children
an item for a senior in the Skilled Nursing Unit.
12/7 2015-12-08 00:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament

story thumbnail
This year's Rotary Scholarship Golf Tournament was a great Success. Bob Ernst, Chairman of the Monticello Rotary Golf tournament presented a $5,400 check to Gary Tugender, Chairman of the Monticello Rotary Club scholarship fund. The Monticello club gives out a number of scholarships to local High School Seniors in the Fallsburg and Monticello school districts. 
Golf Tournament 2015-11-10 00:00:00Z 0

Oct 6 Meeting notes

Meeting Notes October 6, 2015
  • Andy Yeomans, Food Service Director for Monticello Central School district, is being proposed as a new member by Lori Orestano-James 
  • Bagel Festival, Jeff Siegel has indicated that he is no longer interested in running (being in charge of) the Bagel Festival.  He has opened it up to organizations that might be interested. There was some serious talk about our club doing this from our members. We tabled the idea and want to continue to discuss the opportunity and what it would mean to the club. Be ready to talk about the pros and cons at our future meetings.
  • The "Book Brigade," to help celebrate the Move to the new location of the Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 12:45. Prized Possessions from the old library will be passed, hand to hand, down the street to the new library. Opening ceremony at the new Library will be at 1:30.  ​If you haven't already done so, please let Joe know if you are helping transport food.
  • ​Les spoke with the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition about being the beneficiary of the Monster run this year. They were very positive and more discussions will take place shorty.
Oct 6 Meeting notes jk 2015-10-13 00:00:00Z 0

meeting notes Oct 6

Meeting Notes October 6, 2015
  • Andy Yeomans, Food Service Director for Monticello Central School district, is being proposed as a new member by Lori Orestano-James 
  • Bagel Festival, Jeff Siegel has indicated that he is no longer interested in running (being in charge of) the Bagel Festival.  He has opened it up to organizations that might be interested. There was some serious talk about our club doing this from our members. We tabled the idea and want to continue to discuss the opportunity and what it would mean to the club. Be ready to talk about the pros and cons at our future meetings.
  • The "Book Brigade," to help celebrate the Move to the new location of the Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 12:45. Prized Possessions from the old library will be passed, hand to hand, down the street to the new library. Opening ceremony at the new Library will be at 1:30.  ​If you haven't already done so, please let Joe know if you are helping transport food.
  • ​Les spoke with the Sullivan County Veterans Coalition about being the beneficiary of the Monster run this year. They were very positive and more discussions will take place shorty.
meeting notes Oct 6 2015-10-06 00:00:00Z 0
Fighting Pancreatic Cancer jk 2015-09-08 00:00:00Z 0
Hosts needed 2015-09-01 00:00:00Z 0
Fellow Rotarians Visit Haiti John Greenbaum 2015-02-17 00:00:00Z 0

Copy of Sullivan Renaissance Visits Monticello Rotary

Posted by John Greenbaum on Feb 02, 2015
  • Sullivan County Renaissance Visits Monticello Rotary Club

    Helen Budrock and Diana Weiner from Sullivan Renaissance (SN) reviewed the history and the mission of the not-for-profit.    In their discussion, they specifically highlighted the beautification projects that SN has funded in the Village of Monticello, viz., planting 300 trees, many of them on Broadway; picking up litter; and assisting in moving the Rotary Clock from the Post Office location to the intersection of Broadway and Saint John Street.  In planning for  the coming growing season, SN proposed for our Club to make  a commitment to maintain one of seven possible spots in or near the area of Monticello, which had previously been maintained by SN.  After review and discussion of SN’s request, the Club voted to support SN’s initiative, and not surprisingly, selected to maintain the planting area surrounding the Rotary Clock.  Since a number of us, including this correspondent, have limited gardening experience, it is hoped that the Club members who are gardeners, especially any who are Master Gardeners, will lead us in managing this endeavor
Copy of Sullivan Renaissance Visits Monticello Rotary John Greenbaum 2015-02-03 00:00:00Z 0

Monticello Rotary Support Federation for the Homeless

Posted by John Greenbaum on Dec 07, 2014

Nice people doing nice things


On behalf of our Club, Vice President D’Abbraccio, presented a $1,000

check to Kathy Kreiter, CEO of the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless. As you know, the Federation was one of two charities that the Club provided funding to this year from proceeds raised from the Monster Run. Kathy Kreiter spoke and answered many questions about the Federation’s mission and purpose. She also discussed its day-to-day operations and how the Federation operates in conjunction with various state and federal agencies and other charitable organizations in assisting the indigent with shelter, food, clothing, transportation, and other basic necessities. Kathy offered several specific examples of how her organization serves the needy, oftentimes when no other private or public organization has the capability or capacity to do so in a timely or comprehensive manner. The Federation has only 2.5 full-time employees and limited financial resources to meet the large number of people needing its services. As with many not-for-profit organizations, the Federation receives fewer funding grants today than it did a few years ago.


Monticello Rotary Support Federation for the Homeless John Greenbaum 2014-12-08 00:00:00Z 0

Rotaplast International Presentation

Posted by John Greenbaum

Kathy Kruger--Rotaplast: Rotaplast International, Inc. was started in 1992 by the San Francisco Rotary Club to facilitate short-term surgical programs in developing countries to treat children and adults with cleft lips and palate anomalies who would otherwise not receive surgical treatment. A typical mission spans ten days to two weeks, consists of about thirty members comprised of physicians, dentists, nurses and non-health care personnel who volunteer their services. Approximately one hundred patients are treated on each mission. Kathy, a nurse and a member of the Pleasant Valley Rotary Club, volunteered on a Rotaplast mission to the Philippines. She shared with us through stories and photographs her experiences in treating the patients on her mission, and also discussing how a mission operates and is funded. Rotaplast through donations has the financial capabilities to fund about fifteen missions per year, and since its founding has treated about 17,000 people. To learn more about Rotaplast and to make a donation please contact Kathy at 

Rotaplast International Presentation John Greenbaum 2014-11-25 00:00:00Z 0

Sullivan County Cornell Cooperative Extension Visits Monticello Rotary

Posted on Oct 13, 2014

Our guest speaker Susan Dollard is a Master Gardener Coordinator & Community Educator at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Sullivan County. Susan, a native of Monticello, was a teacher in the school district for thirty years, and she has been affiliated with the Cornell Cooperative since 2005. As an educator, some of Susan’s principal objectives are to teach children about gardening; to develop and foster having a healthy, nutritious diet; and, to better understand the importance of agriculture and what farmers do. The Cornell Cooperative provides to the Monticello School System books and other educational material about nature, healthy diets and agriculture. The curriculum and books are geared to students from Kindergarten through Grade 5. Susan aids the teachers in implementing the lesson plans, and she goes into many classes and assists in reading and reviewing the books and educational material offered by the Cornell Cooperative. Susan showed the Club members several of the books that the Cooperative provides the school system, and she presented from one of the books, Who Grew My Soup, a supplemental video. This past year, our Club donated funds to the Cornell Cooperative to purchase sixty-six books. The Cooperative is increasing its outreach by expanding recently into the Fallsburg School District.


Susan Dollard: Cornell Cooperative

Sullivan County Cornell Cooperative Extension Visits Monticello Rotary 2014-10-14 00:00:00Z 0

Town of Bethel Supervisor Visits Monticello Rotary Group

Posted on Oct 09, 2014
Les introduced his guest, Dan Sturm, the Town of Bethel Supervisor. Dan has been the supervisor for eight years; and previously, he was a councilman for seven years. Dan noted that all of the Club members should be interested in what is happening in Bethel, because our weekly meetings are actually held in the town. As with all communities in our area, Bethel was adversely affected by the 2008 economic recession, but during the past several years, the town’s economy has
improved. Many of the restaurants in downtown Kauneonga Lake, White Lake,
Smallwood and along Route 17B are doing well. The 2014 Mysteryland USA music festival at Bethel Woods was highly successful with 25,000 people attending the multi-day event. In 2015, Mysteryland’s attendance is expected to be 30,000. The town is also in the process of seeking grants to open a 125-acre park on the site of a former golf course. Dan cited two programs that improve the quality of life for a number of Bethel’s residents: an extensive program to clean the town’s roads in the summer; and in the winter, the town aids needy residents, by giving them up to $150 in assistance to help them pay their heating bills.
Town of Bethel Supervisor Visits Monticello Rotary Group 2014-10-10 00:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? Joseph D'Abbraccio 2014-08-07 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Joseph D'Abbraccio 2014-08-07 00:00:00Z 0
Mark Your Calendars! Joseph D'Abbraccio 2014-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

Security and Integrity of Your Data

Posted by Joseph D'Abbraccio
ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.

Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.
Security and Integrity of Your Data Joseph D'Abbraccio 0
Welcome to our new website! Joseph D'Abbraccio 0
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication Joseph D'Abbraccio 0