Monticello Rotary along with the 3rd Judicial District in Sullivan County of the NYS Court System collected and distributed Bag-of-Joy items to the Achieve Nursing and Rehab Facility in Liberty, New York. Rotary Drive Chairperson and Rotary Club Vice President, Lori Orestano-James said the Director of Program Services was humbled to recieve the donation stating that the clients at the facility will be able to use all of the items individually and in their theraputic needs. "Being away from loved ones during the Holiday Season is very difficult. Many of our Senior Citizens have no family locally and the Holiday's can bring on sadness and depression. Thank you to all who helped us make a difference," said Orestano-James. Special thanks to Wendy Weiner-Galligan who led the charge in the Courts. Rotary Bag-of-Joy Committee Members Peter Chester and Lynka Rivera assisted with collection and distribution. Monticello Rotary President Brad Rutledge said, "This was a beautiful partnership that will continue to flourish and grow in years to come as we provide support in our community."