Blood donations are needed now more than ever. Monticello Rotary will be holding a Blood Drive in conjunction with NYBC (New York Blood Center) as part of the 44th Annual WSUL Heart-a-thon on Friday, February 11, 2022 from noon until 6pm at Resorts World in Monticello who has graciously sponsored this event. To schedule a time, please register by clicking on this link: https://donate.nybc.org/donor/ schedules/drive_schedule/ 300440 Additional information links are below.
Please help us to help others and sign up today! All COVID protocol including wearing masks and social distancing will be enforced for the safety of everyone.
- Direct sign up link - https://donate.nybc.org/donor/
schedules/drive_schedule/ 300440 - NYBC Phone number to call for appointments – 800-933-2566
- NYBC phone number to call for donor eligibility questions- 800-688-0900
- Link for eligibility questions – www.nybc.org/eligibility
- Donation Facts - https://www.nybc.org/donate-
blood/become-donor/donation- faqs/