On October 1, 2022, the Monticello Rotary Club held a “Comfort Closet Collection Drive” at the Thompson Square Mall. With the generosity of the community, the Monticello Rotary Club collected over $4000 in personal hygiene products which were delivered to the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless for distribution.
According to the Comfort Closet Collection Drive Chairperson and Past President of Monticello Rotary, Lori Orestano-James, “When we put out a Call to Action such as this, our community always stands up to the challenge. Many of our club members were moved by the amount of people who while dropping off products such as deodorant, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, incontinence products, and so many other items, commented to us – thanking us – for holding this event. With hard economic times, Monticello Rotary felt the need to conduct this Drive to ensure families in need had these items, especially knowing that these items are not covered through other agency programs.”
A special thank you to Monticello ShopRite and The Town of Thompson who helped in the ability for the Monticello Rotary Clubs success with some COVID protocols still in place. Their assistance with drop off location space and announcements for the Drive allowed for this overwhelming success.
Monticello Rotary will be holding it Annual Food Drive on November 19, 2022 from 9am – 1pm at the Ted Stroebele Recreation Center, Jefferson Street, Monticello, New York. Non-perishable food items will be collected at that time to benefit Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless and United Way of Sullivan County.