When we do good and others thank us, what is not realized is how much we get back from them in the return of #ServiceAboveSelf! Peter from Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility was so grateful to receive the lap throws, slipper socks, large print books, handmade hats, scarves, and shawls, and so much more collected and delivered during the Bag-of-Joy Holiday Comfort Closet Collection organized by the Rotary Club of Monticello, NY in collaboration with the 3rd Judicial Court Employees by Rotary President-Elect Lori James ( Lori Orestano-James ) and Rotary Vice President Peter Chester. What an awesome feeling!
Wishing all a wonderful, safe, and healthy Holiday Season. Remember to take a moment to #Serve. It is the best of all holiday gifts to give to yourself.
Wishing all a wonderful, safe, and healthy Holiday Season. Remember to take a moment to #Serve. It is the best of all holiday gifts to give to yourself.