Solar Energy in Our County
The guest speaker at our December 6th meeting was Cindy Menges from Delaware River Solar, a new community solar energy company. Ms. Menges said that she's trying to spread the word about what her company does. She gave a slide presentation about the various types of renewable energy, why renewable energy is needed, and how Delaware River Solar fits into that picture in New York State.
“The United States depends heavily on Coal, oil, and natural gas...”, said Cindy, “These are finite resources”. Ms Menges stress that we need to develop other sources of renewable energy and solar is one of them. Governor Cuomo's Energy Initiative seeks to have 50% of the energy generated by New York State come from renewable sources by 2030. New York State is also providing incentives to businesses and homeowners who switch to renewable energy sources. It is also hoped that the shift to renewable energy will spur economic development.
Ms. Menges concluded her presentation by talking about solar energy options that are available to businesses and residences in Sullivan County through her company.